
2015年07月20日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

2015719日八点钟, 美国高中生在家长和同学的陪伴下来到了国际部四楼十年级教室,开始了一天的学习生活。在班会上同学们互相了解熟悉并且分享了前一天晚上的经历。之后Bella老师给他们上了来到长春的第一节中文课,学习了汉语拼音和中国古诗,同学们都学得很认真;第二节是Sucre老师的脸谱课,在先学习了脸谱不同颜色代表不同含义之后,同学们开始动手实践,亲手绘制脸谱模型,同学们都画得有模有样,生动形象。在这两节课中,同学们都收获颇丰!在吃过午饭和简单的午休之后,同学们都来到了职业生涯规划演播厅,参加一点钟的开营仪式。开营仪式上,长春市实验中学领导,国家汉办孔子学院领导,吉林省教育厅领导,美国教师代表,中方教师代表以及美方和中方学生分别上台发言,表达对此次夏令营的希望和祝愿,之后教育厅领导授旗给中方和美方学生代表,最后教育厅领导和学校领导向美方代表赠送礼物。开营仪式结束后,所有学生跟随体育教师来到体育馆学习羽毛球和篮球,所有同学都得到了充分的锻炼,玩的不亦乐乎。

2015 Chinese Bridge Summer Camp for American High School Students opening Ceremony

American students arrived at the 10th grade classroom of the International Division accompanied by Chinese parents and classmates at 8 a.m. 19th July 2015. All the students share their experiences about last night and knew about each other at the class meeting. Bella taught them Chinese pinyin and ancient poem at the first Chinese class and then Sucre taught them something about Chinese Lian Pu. He taught them different colors represent different meanings. And then all the students made their own Lian Pu. All the students learned a lot from these two teachers. After lunch and short break, all the students came to the Career Advisory Auditorium to attend the opening ceremony. The leaders of Changchun Experimental High School, Hanban and Education Department, representative teachers from America and China, students from America and China all delivered speeches about the summer camp. And then the leader of Education Department presented the summer camp flag to two students. At last, leaders of Changchun Experimental High School and Education Department gave American teacher gifts. After the summer camp opening ceremony, all the students went to the gym to study how to play badminton and basketball. They all enjoyed the PE class.

中文基础课Chinese Class

脸谱课Lian Pu Class

夏令营开营仪式教育厅领导授旗Presenting Flag to Campers

长春市实验中学代表向美国带队教师赠送礼物Presenting Gift to American Teacher

体育课热身 Warming Up in P.E. Class

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