“梦家园”杯丹东港2014-2015中国木结构建筑设计竞赛启动以来,涌现了许多优秀的设计作品与团队,目前大赛已进入决赛阶段。其中,36个参赛作品经过层层选拔,进入到了最后一轮终审环节。加拿大木业将通过微信公众号展示这36个入围作品,发布顺序按照作品编号,不具有先后意义。本设计尝试利用木头这一自然材料做成的两个基本构件搭建成可变建筑,以适应冬夏季节变化以及淡旺季人流变化,以及庙会等特殊季节需求。整个建筑可人工拆除,易于维修更换,增建方便,材料可循环再利用,拆除对环境影响小。 本建筑利用屋顶光伏电池发电,大量放置植物对微气候自动调节,夏天通风,冬天围上玻璃变成被动式温室。This design tries to use two simple unit elements to build a changable building. This building can adapt the change of season and the busy season and not busy season, and the need of temple fair. One part of the building can be changable,When winter comes, it become colder. We add a layer of glass to the building.All the exterior become pleasant interior.When summer comes, the glass can be taken off, so the wind can blow through the building. People can relax in the flexible area.When temple fair comes,visitors need a place for acting. We can take off some column and beams to make a stage. People can sit in upside room and watch.