【7/21/2014】2014 CFAA Trading Seminar - 就在今晚!

2014年07月22日 CFAA美国华人金融协会

Featrured Speakers

First Speaker

Carl Gilmore

Managing Director, KCG Futures

Topic: Futures Market Function

Mr.Gilmore will give us an overview of the futures market structure, how futures play a big role in a developed economy, and how market participants use futures to lessen their financial exposures.

Second Speaker

Rick Lane

CEO, Trading Technologies

Topic: The Rise Visual Programming

Mr. Lane will give us a speech about how visual programming has disrupted the trading industry and makes algorithmic traders ofus all.

Third Speaker

Chris Hehmeyer

CEO, HTG Capital Partners

Topic: Principle Trading 101

Mr. Hehmeyer will give us a speech about principle trading (formerly known as proprietary trading): what the principle trading world is all about and how to get involved.

Monday, July 21st, 2014

5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

The Union League Club of Chicago

Tudor Room 710, 7th Floor

65 West Jackson Blvd

Chicago, IL


5:00 – 5:30pm Registration

5:30 – 6:00pm Networking

6:00 – 7:30pm Presentations and Q&A

Fee: CFAA Member – $8; Non-CFAA Memberwith online payment - $13; Walk-ins - $18


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