电影俱乐部之灰姑娘 Cinderella

2015年03月23日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中


On March 20th,with the end of a rush and busy studying week, at three o'clock in theafternoon, Canadian Program had the activity of Movie Club again.


Wewatched classics fairy tale Cinderella for this time. It took us back to ourchildhood' fairytale dreams, and improve our listening skill. Teachers have givenus a work about the plot of the story. Hope everyone can take their new weekeffective but not too pressure.


"Have courage and be kind" ,this is the words that Cinderella's mother told her before she died, and this is really touch us, I hope we all can do like this, be brave and be kind to everyone.

Edit:Elijah and Owen

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