
2015年07月09日 加拿大国际教育集团













5. 注意手卫生,勤洗手

6. 尽量少到人群密集、空气不流通的公共场所



The prevention and control of herpangina

Herpangina is a special type ofacute upper respiratory tract infection which is a common childhood disease .Symptoms often include sudden fever, sore throat, salivation, loss of appetiteand in some cases it is accompanied by coughing or vomiting, abdominal pain,diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms. Children with visible oral herpes,these can be seen particularly on the soft palateof the mouth or tonsillarpillars.

The disease occurs more frequently in summer and autumn and it is highlycontagious. It is spread extremely fast through contact and droplets dischargedfrom the nose and mouth. Children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years are generallymore susceptible and are particularly vulnerable in places such as preschooland kindergartens. In order to prevent and control this disease from spreadingall the employees of the Asian Games Town Canadian Kindergarten held anemergency meeting and to make a proposal of “How to prevent and control herpangina",as follows:

1、encourageall the children to drink plenty of water.

2、Ina case where a child develops a fever we can use physical cooling treatment; howeverwhen temperature is higher than 38.5 degrees it is recommended to administeroral antipyretic cooling drugs to prevent febrile seizures.

If the fever is persistent and the child cannot eat then thechild will need to have intravenous fluid support treatment. Due to thecombination of bacterial infections in children then there is the need forrational antibiotic therapy. Children that develop mental malaise, high feverand convulsions must be admitted to hospital immediately without delay to avoiddamage to the vital organs (heart, lungs, brain injury)

The prevention of herpangina is more important than control, so it’s veryimportant to take care in the daily life. Here, we have some suggestion forparents:

1、Please payattention to home sanitation, keep the window open and clean tableware and toysregularly.

2、Rest is alsovery important, ensure that children get enough sleep.

3、Diet and nutrition,children should eat more fruits and vegetables.

4、Payattention to oral hygiene, keep the mouth clean, use light salt water to rinsetheir mouth after eating,

5、Keep handsclean, wash hands frequently

6、Don’t goto the crowed public place.

All the teachers in our kindergarten are working together to prevent andcontrol the herpangina virus and are constantly working to improve health care.A timely response to the "herpangina virus" is required, strengthingthe cleaning and disinfection measures to every day to ensure the healthy surroudingsfor the children.




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