【10月28日】Career Development Panel-从面试官的角度看如何在面试中胜出

2014年10月25日 CFAA美国华人金融协会

Career Path!这个词一定无数次地在你的脑海里徘徊过。Asset Management, Mutual Fund, Private Equity, or Hedge Fund? 哪一个更适合你?为什么面了那么多公司依旧没有得到心仪的工作,为什么自己对面试结果感觉很好却依旧被雇主拒绝,抛开国际生的visa sponsorship,你是否考虑过自身还有哪些不足可以改进,我心仪的雇主究竟需要什么skills,我要如何努力才能成为the best candidate who can impress them!CFAA非常荣幸地邀请到了四位在investment management不同领域的佼佼者,与大家分享他们在面试中看到candidates的一些问题。


Vivian Lin Thurston, CFA is currently Vice President, Consumer Sector Head at Calamos Investments, responsible for fundamental equity research and stock selection for the Non-US Consumer sectors. She is also the President of CFAA. Vivian has been working in the investment management industry since the late 1990s including a 13-year experience as a buy-side analyst at UBS Global Asset Management previously. At UBS, she was responsible for investment research and stock selection for various sectors in both the US and Emerging Markets. She also had a brief experience working at the fund of hedge funds industry responsible for hedge fund manager souring and research at Mesirow Financial prior to joining Calamos. Vivian received her bachelor’s degree from Peking University and M.A. and M.S. degrees from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Vivian is currently a member of the CFA Institute and CFA Society of Chicago.

Qi David Tang, CFA, Vice President, Neuberger Berman. David is a Quantitative Analyst on the Global Rates team. He also co-manages the firm's Investment Grade index portfolios. Before joining the firm, David was a risk analyst at Fannie Mae responsible for hedging the rate risk of Fannie Mae's retained mortgage portfolio. Previous experience includes working as a quantitative analyst at Allstate Investments and ABN AMRO. David earned an MBA from the University of Chicago, two other Master degrees in Economics and in Computer Science, respectively, and a BA from Renmin University of China. David is currently a member of the CFA Institute and CFA Society of Chicago. David is a Director of the CFAA Board of Directors.

Simon Zhang, Partner and senior quant at LSV Asset Management. Simon earned his MBA and Master of Science in Civil Engineering from UIUC. Simon is a member of the CFA institute and CFA Society of Chicago, also member of Chicago Quantitative Alliance.

Xiaoying Chen is the Head of Applications Development at HighTower Advisors. Prior to HighTower, she was the Director of Applications Development for Trading and Operations at Calamos Investments. Xiaoying has over 15 years of financial services technology experience and throughout her career, she has worked on a wide variety of solutions in areas such as Trading, Portfolio Accounting, Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence and Content Management and managed teams with on-shore, near-shore and off-shore resources.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

The Union League Club of Chicago

Tudor Room, 7th Floor

65 West Jackson Blvd

Chicago, Illinois


5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Registration

6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Panel Discussion including Q&A

7:30 – 8:00 p.m. Networking


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