长春市实验中学国际部学生大会Student Meeting

2015年06月12日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中



On June, 12th, 2015, the international division holds the student meeting in the auditorium on the first floor after lunch. The Director May of international division does a general summary for the development of international division and the platform that the school has provided for students. She also illustrates the programs that school has been running during these years. At the same time, she gives the best wishes to all the students who are going to Japan. Meanwhile, she thanks the seven students who participate in the China Bridge program and shows her appreciation to them. She hopes the other students could take part into this program. Finally, she wishes Grade12 a better future, do themselves and make a perfect ending for their high school. For Grade10 and 11, May mentions that working diligently and hard is the real truth, especially for Grade11 who are going to be Grade12 soon, she hopes that proceed by steady steps for study to welcome their Grade12!

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