1. 田园风光:rural/pastoral/idyllic/bucolic/rustic/country/countryside
2. 内在固有:intrinsic/innate/inherent/inborn/inner/natural/native/built-in
3. 重点强调:underline/underscore/emphasize/stress/highlight/accentuate
4. 纯正真实:true/genuine/real/authentic/legitimate
5. 无意泄露:betray/reveal
6. 数量众多:host/multitude/crowd/swarm/horde
7. 推动因素:agent/instrument
8. 尊敬崇拜:revere/reverent/reverence
9. 恭敬顺从:defer/deferential/deference
10. 说教劝诫:didactic/moralistic/moralizing/admonitory/edifying
11. 冷嘲热讽:wry/ironic/sardonic/sarcastic/scornful
12. 怀念惆怅:wistful/pensive/melancholy/reflective/nostalgic/longing
13. 坚信不疑:conviction/belief/assurance/certainty/faith
14. 明确有力:cogent/convincing/emphatic/categorical/decisive
15. 坚定不移:resolute/unwavering/determined/firm/unyielding/stanch
16. 限制约束:cramped/confined/restricted/overcrowded/curbed/limited/qualified
17. 笨拙局促:awkward/clumsy/discomfited/gauche/heavy-handed/embarrassed
18. 目中无人:cavalier/arrogant/offhand/inconsiderate/haughty/high-handed
19. 脆弱易伤:vulnerable/susceptible/defenseless
20. 危险无常:dangerous/precarious/perilous/treacherous/risky/hazardous
21. 预兆不祥:foreboding/foreshadow/ominous/sinister/presentiment/premonition
22. 预兆吉利:auspicious/propitious/promising/favorable/fortunate
23. 亵渎不敬:blasphemous/profane/sacrilegious/irreverent/offensive
24. 神圣圣洁:sacred/sanctified/consecrated/hallowed/revered/sacrosanct
25. 做作装X: unnatural/affected/pretentious/stilted/artificial/assumed/studied
26. 迷惑困顿:bewilder/perplex/confused/bafflement/confound/mystify/nonplus
27. 沉思反省:ponder/reflect/muse/meditate/contemplate/brood/deliberate
28. 情感相关:sympathy(同情)/apathy(无情)/apathetic(无情的)/pathetic(可怜的)/empathy(感同身受,移情)
29. 声音相关:resonate(共鸣,回响)/consonance(一致,协调)/inconsonance(意见不一)/dissonance(意见不一)/sonorous(声音洪亮的)
1 hail: acclaim or praise enthusiastically
2 host: a large number of; multitude
3 conjure: imagine; appear in mind
4 instrument: a means by which sth is done; agent/agency
5 decline: refuse
6 end: purpose or goal
7 philosophy:
① set of beliefs or an outlook on life
② calm or quiet attitude towards life
8 crush: the quantity of material crushed; overabundance; crowd
9 employ: make use of; utilize; occupy (time, attention)
10 furnish: provide or supply
11 entertain: hold or harbor (an idea/view/doubt)
12 faculty: perceptual ability or inherent power
13 flight: an action of run away or flee; a continuous series of stairs
14 engage: attract, engross; involve
15 table: postpone, put off, hold back to a later time
16 negotiate: get over or past sth successfully
17 snob:
person who pays too much respect to social position and wealth, or who despises people of a lower social position; or person who feels s/he has superior tastes, knowledge, etc
18 observe: remark; obey; celebrate; watch attentively
19 ignorance: lack of knowledge or information about sth
20 assume: undertake the duties of (an office); affect the appearance or possession of
21 cause: a goal or principle served with dedication and zeal.
22 compromise: to expose or make liable to danger, suspicion, or disrepute
23 appreciate: understand or realize fully
24 betray: reveal unconsciously
25 visit: assail or afflict
26 want: lack
27 trick: feat
28 plot: chart
29 state: condition
30 rival: equal
Positive attitude:
喜悦:bliss, cheerful, delight﹡, exhilarate, ebullient, enthusiasm, exuberance﹡, excite﹡, elated, exult, ecstatic, hilarious, joyous, jocund, jubilant, optimistic, rejoicing,
赞同: acclaim, accolade, admire﹡, appreciate﹡, applaud﹡, approve﹡, advocate,assent﹡, bolster, celebrate﹡, champion, commend, embrace, endorse, espouse, eulogize, extol, hail, laud, laudatory, support﹡
同情:compassion, commiserate, sympathetic﹡, merciful
诙谐:amusing, comical, humorous﹡, jocular, witty
客观:analytical﹡, detached﹡, evenhanded﹡, impartial, impersonal, objective﹡
其他:cautious﹡, enlightening, earnest﹡, defensive, guarded, insightful, inspired, justify, pragmatic﹡, reverent﹡, reflective, wary
Negative attitude:
嘲讽:acrimony, deride, derision, facetious﹡, gibe, jeer, ironic﹡, ludicrous, ridiculous﹡, scorn, sarcasm, sardonic﹡, satire, scoff, snide, sneer, wry﹡
悲痛:bitterness, deplore, distress﹡, grief, lamentable, lugubrious, plaintive, sorrow, wrenching
忧虑:agitate, anxiety﹡, apprehensive﹡, concern﹡, depressing, disconcerted, disturb, distress﹡, doleful, dreary, gloomy, glum, insecurity, maudlin, melancholy, pessimistic﹡, pensive, somber, sullen, sentimental﹡, uneasy, upset
质疑:distrust, disbelief﹡, discredit, doubt﹡, doubtful, dubious, incredulous, skeptical﹡, suspicious,
斥责:accusatory, admonish, criticize﹡, condemn, contest, challenge﹡, chide, contravene, contradict﹡, counter, debunk, deprecate﹡, deny, decry, denounce, disapprove, dismiss﹡, protest, reprove, reproach, repudiate, refute﹡, rebut﹡, rebuttal﹡, rebuke, reject﹡
蔑视:contempt﹡, devalue, defy﹡, defiance, deprecate﹡, depreciate, despise, disparage﹡, disdain﹡, disrespect, irreverent﹡, sniff
悔悟:contrition,confession﹡, compunctious, penitential, repentant,regretful,remorseful
做作: artificial﹡,affected,assumed, constrained,feigned,factitious,la-di-da,niminy-piminy, pretentious, self-conscious, stilted,stagy,strained, studied
窘困:abash, disconcert, embarrass, humiliate, mortify
沮丧:despondent, disappointed, dismay, frustrated
恐慌:alarm, dread, fear, panic, trepid,
厌烦:annoying, boresome, carking, irksome﹡, loath, nettlesome, tiresome, weary
思乡:homesick, longing, nostalgic, reminiscent, wistful﹡, yearning
恩赐:condescending, patronizing
迷惑:baffle, bewilder, befuddle, confuse, confound, dumbfounded, perplex﹡, puzzle
嫉妒:begrudge, cynicism, envious
傲慢:arrogant, haughty, impertinent, insolent
古怪:capricious, whimsical
贪婪:avaricious, greedy, grasping, ravenous,
冷漠:apathetic, callous, impassive, indifferent, lukewarm, nonchalant, phlegmatic, ruthless, unsympathetic, uninterested, unconcern
发怒:exasperation,furious,irate,ire, irritation, indignation﹡, outrage, rage, vexation, wrath
其他:attack﹡, begrudging, hostile﹡, indulgent, mischievous, moralistic, mock, paranoia, resigned﹡, resentment﹡
Note: underlined words are often likely to be ruled out from options!
Complex attitude:
矛盾:bittersweet, ambivalent
惊讶:amaze, appall, astonish, astound, shock, surprise﹡
其他:apologetic, awe, awesome, curiosity, intrigued, didactic﹡