“梦家园”杯丹东港2014-2015中国木结构建筑设计竞赛启动以来,涌现了许多优秀的设计作品与团队,目前大赛已进入决赛阶段。其中,36个参赛作品经过层层选拔,进入到了最后一轮终审环节。加拿大木业将通过微信公众号展示这36个入围作品,发布顺序按照作品编号,不具有先后意义。三条方向相同的体量,平行于山下的等高线,呼应地势。游客,行人,旅途疲惫或是不知去途,都可以在山亭中休憩,询问。我们的设计是以简单的山墙面呼应远处的山意,以一种很简洁的不断重复的张悬梁结构来搭接在不同起伏的山墙上,形成飘逸轻盈的屋顶,起伏叠合。张悬梁结构不仅仅非常巧妙地解决了跨度的问题,而且把木结构本身的张力展现无疑。除此之外,混凝土墙面这种材质的冰冷和木本身的温暖,形成强烈的对比,也是我们设计对于材料本身的一种探索和创造。The concept of Mountain Pavilion was originated from the image of resting in the foot of the mountain. Three volumes are located in the same direction, which are parallel to the contour line in order to echoing to the mountain tendency.On one hand, We believe that Mountain Pavilion provides visitors a space to chat with friends and rest after the whole journey. One the other hand, Our design use duplicated string beams which shape the floating and light roof to solve the problem of span from 9 meters to 14 meters. The form of the beam string structure not only show the beauty of the wooden structure, but also express warm atmosphere compared with concrete wall.