
2015年06月26日 加拿大国际教育集团

2015619下午17:00分,在端午节”偶遇“父亲节”之际,卡尔加里幼儿园以“浓情端午,最爱爸爸”为主题,开展了一次具有浓郁传统节日和悠悠父子(女)情深的亲子活动。一曲动感活力的《韵律操》中拉开了活动的序幕,热情洋溢的主持人带着家长和孩子们欢快的舞蹈,游戏... 爱得越深举得越高这个游戏中,孩子们都被爸爸妈妈举过头顶,甚至家长莽足了劲举,有的被扛了起来,孩子兴奋极了。最让大家记忆犹新、百玩不厌的是“太空步行”了,所有的大朋友为小朋友们搭建了一条“布”做的“太空桥”,小朋友们在桥上有的走、有的爬,好像在太空中遨游!一个个的亲子互动游戏让家长真真切切地体验了一次返老还童当孩子的快乐,同时增进了与孩子之间的情感交流。接下来到了活动的第二环节——我教爸爸画风筝。活动场的两边瞬间变成了两幅巨型作品,爸爸与孩子“埋头苦干”共同彩绘风筝,不一会的功夫,从巨型作品里飞出了许多五颜六色的蝴蝶、蜻蜓、猫头鹰......它们带着大朋友和小朋友飞回教室,开启了活动第三环节——“快乐分享,端午盛宴”,厨房师傅为大家精心准备了美味鸡翅、大虾、意粉、罗宋汤、西兰花、芝士蛋糕、粽子……大小朋友吃得津津有味,家长们对厨师的厨艺赞不绝口!本次亲子活动,孩子和家长们都在笑声阵阵中感受浓浓亲情,孩子更亲近了爸爸,爸爸更了解孩子,在孩子成长的过程中留下很多美好的回忆!

Canadian Calgary International Kindergarten's wonderful reviews of "Passion of Dragon Boat Festival and I Love Daddy"

On June19, 2015 at 5:00 PM, Calgary kindergarten had arranged an event called "Passion of the Dragon BoatFestival and I Iove daddy" as the theme; to carry out a rich traditional festival and also father and children’s affection leisurely.

An energetic song "Rhythmic exercise" was played as the prelude. The enthusiastic hosts had led the parents and children to dance and play games happily. In the game, “The deeper the love, the higher you will be lifted” the children are being lifted above mom and dad’s head. Some of the parents used full strength to carryup the children and they are very excited. The freshest memory was the "Spacewalk". All the adults set up a long cloth as the "space bridge."On the bridge, the children are jogging and crawling; just like traveling in the outer space. All the parent-child interactive games had genuinely given the parents the experience of returning to happy children. At the same time, it enhances the affective communication between the parents and children. The second partof the event was “I'm teaching my father to draw a kite.” Instantly there are two huge artworks formed on both sides of the field. Father and the children are working very hard to paint the kites. After awhile of hard work, there are many colorful butterflies, dragonflies, owls etc. They brought it back to the classrooms and started the third part of the event, “Share the joy of the dragon boat festival feast.” The chef from our kitchen prepared delicious chicken wings, big shrimps, pasta, borsch, broccoli, cheese cake, rice dumplingsetc. Everyone enjoyed the food and the parents also praised about the chefscooking! During these parent-child activities, laughter is full of deep affection and also brought their relationships closer. Thus the fathers are more understanding of their children and created wonderful memories.





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