“梦家园”杯丹东港2014-2015中国木结构建筑设计竞赛启动以来,涌现了许多优秀的设计作品与团队,目前大赛已进入决赛阶段。其中,36个参赛作品经过层层选拔,进入到了最后一轮终审环节。加拿大木业将通过微信公众号展示这36个入围作品,发布顺序按照作品编号,不具有先后意义。本方案立足于人与自然环境的和谐共生,通过建筑的语言,利用被动式绿色技术为手段,以风的语言为依托,生成了一个基于理性计算,兼具感性动态的大孤山木结构游客中心。在提供传统意义上游客中心基础功能的前提下,引入了对地域文化、地域资源和可持续发展的解读,创造了一个利用原生材料打造新生代设计理念的项目。This project is a design based generally on the concept of Human Environment Friendly. Via an architectural method, with an introduction of sustainability technique and element of WIND, we created a tourist center of timber structure, which contains both rational calculations and perceptual dynamic outlook in Mt. Dagu tourism region. Provided with fundamental functions, the project also contains a consideration of region cultures, local resources, as well as our comprehension of sustainable development. As a consequence, it's a design of newly-born architectural concept &technology with original materials &structural systems.