26. Much of thetime you once had for pleasure reading is going to disappear. Keep a list ofthe books you would have read had you had the time, so that you can startreading them.
27. Things thatseem like the end of the world really do become funny with a little time anddistance. Knowing this, forget the embarrassment and skip to the good part.
28. Every once ina while, there will come an especially powerful moment when you can actuallyfeel that an experience has changed who you are. Embrace these, even if theyare painful.
29. No matter whatyour political or religious beliefs, be open-minded. You're going to bechallenged over the next four years in ways you can't imagine, across allfronts. You can't learn if you're closed off.
30. If you need toget a job, find something that you actually enjoy. Just because it's workdoesn't mean it has to suck.
31. Don't alwayslead. It's good to follow sometimes.
32. Take a lot ofpictures. One of my major regrets in life is that I didn't take more picturesin college. My excuse was the cost of film and processing. Digital cameras arecheap and you have plenty of hard drive space, so you have no excuse.
33. Your healthand safety are more important than anything.
34. Ask for help.Often.
35. Half of youwill be in the bottom half of your class at any given moment. Way more thanhalf of you will be in the bottom half of your class at some point in the nextfour years. Get used to it.
36. In ten yearsvery few of you will look as good as you do right now, so secretly revel in howhot you are before it's too late.
37. In the longrun, where you go to college doesn't matter as much as what you do with theopportunities you're given there. The MIT name on your resume won't mean muchif that's the only thing on your resume. As a student here, you will haveaccess to a variety of unique opportunities that no one else will ever have -don't waste them.
38. On the flipside, don't try to do everything. Balance = well-being.
39. Makeperspective a priority. If you're too close to something to have goodperspective, rely on your friends to help you.
40. Eat badlysometimes. It's the last time in your life when you can do this without feelingguilty about it.
41. Make acomplete ass of yourself at least once, preferably more. It builds character.
42. Wash yoursheets more than once a year. Trust me on this one.
43. If you are ina relationship and none of your friends want to hang out with you and yoursignificant other, pay attention. They usually know better than you do.
44. Don't beafraid of the weird pizza topping combinations that your new friend from acrossthe country loves. Some of the truly awful ones actually taste pretty good.Expand your horizons.
45. Explore thecampus thoroughly. Don't get caught.
46. Life is tooshort to stick with a course of study that you're no longer excited about.Switch, even if it complicates things.
47. Tattoos arepermanent. Be very certain.
48. Don'tmake fun of prefrosh. That was you like 2 hours ago.
49. Enjoy everysecond of the next four years. It is impossible to describe how quickly theypass.
50. This is theonly time in your lives when your only real responsibility is to learn. Try toremember how lucky you are every day.