美商会邀您投稿2016白皮书AmCham Invites You to Contribute to 2016WhitePaper

2015年11月04日 西南美国商会


White Paper


《2016美国企业在中国白皮书》呈现了美商会成员企业对于影响其在华商业运作的贸易和商业等问题的主要观点,《白皮书》被中美两国政府官员广泛引征使用,是在华外企发出的统一声音。您的建言献策将帮助问题得到关注以及解决,为中美政府政策变化提供解决良方。 除此之外,对于向《白皮书》提出慷慨建议的会员,您将机会在西南美商会白皮书发布庆典(西南美商会每年最盛大的活动之一)上致辞演讲,作为该行业领袖展开行业的深度探讨。 (注:本次征稿仅针对于美资企业)
若您愿意慷慨地建言献策,请与我们联系,发送邮件至 [email protected] 或致电 185-8368-78972(Audrey),132-8112-2760(Nicole).

您将填写两份调查问卷,并请将填写后的表格在2015年11月16日星期一前发送至[email protected]


Dear AmCham members,

We would like to cordially request your contribution to the 2016 American Business in China White Paper!

The White Paper will present the views of contributing AmCham China members on trade and commercial issues in Southwest China. The White Paper is widely distributed to officials in Chinese and U.S. governments and provides a policy platform for the upcoming year. Contributors have an unparalleled opportunity to raise concerns and offer policy recommendations to those at the highest levels of U.S.-China cooperation.

(Please note: this request is only open to AmCham American member companies.)

In addition, contributing members will give a presentation about theirindustry at AmCham Southwest's White Paper Release Celebration, earning recognition as an industry leader at one of our largest annual events.

Your contribution is your opportunity to discuss the specific regional issues your industry faces. This is your chance to make your voice heard, so please be as specific and detailed as possible.

If you are interested in contributing, please contact Audrey Kidwell at [email protected] or 185-8368-78972, or Nicole Xue at 132-8112-2760.

Contributions consist of two brief surveys. If you choose to contribute, please submit your surveys by Monday, Nov. 16th

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to reading your contributions!

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