
2015年11月06日 李尔王英国移民留学观察

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(本文来自 最英国)


估计,10个人有8个会说“Good bye”,1个人会说“See you”,还有1个人会说“撒油那拉”。。。



Tired of saying “goodbye”?

Want your “goodbye” to be something friendlier or more interesting? Why not try these.

1. See you later(回头见)

2. See you soon(待会见)

3. Talk to you later(回头说)

These are appropriate for anyone, from co-workers to friends. Often, we say one of these expressions before saying “bye”, because “bye” can sound a little short on its own. Keep in mind that “you” is usually pronounced “ya”.

4. Bye bye!(再见)

This sweet and babyish expression is usually only used when speaking to children. Occasionally, adults will say “bye bye” to each other, but only if they know each other quite well. Don’t say this to a colleague or business partner.

5. I must be going(我得走了)

Use when you’re ready to leave a social gathering. It would be rude to suddenly say “bye” and leave in the middle of a conversation. Saying “I’ve got to get going” lets people know that you’re ready to start saying “goodbye”.

6. I’m off(我走啦)

This is another informal way of letting people know that you’re ready to say goodbye. You might soften this phrase by saying something like “right then, I’m off” or “anyway, I’m off”. Using expressions like these before saying “I’m off” lets people know that you’re about to announce something.


Business Goodbyes

7. Have a nice day(祝你今天过得愉快)

8. Have a good _____(祝你……过得愉快)

These are pleasant, polite ways to say goodbye to someone you don’t know very well. You might say this to a co-worker, cashier or casual acquaintance.

9. I look forward to our next meeting(我很期待下一次见面)

This very formal expression is appropriate if you would like to continue doing business with someone. It lets the person know that although you’re saying goodbye now, you want to keep in contact with him or her.

10. Take care(多保重)

Take care can be used in professional situations, as well as more casual ones. It’s a warm, genuine-sounding expression that is usually received well by others.

11. It was nice seeing you(这是一次很棒的见面)

12. It was nice to see you again(这是一次很棒的再相见)

When you greet someone you often say, “it’s nice to see you”, so when you say goodbye you can say “it was nice to see you again”. If this was the first time to meet the person, you can say, “it was nice meeting you”.

注意第11、12句话的时态,用的是过去时,也就是说话时,会面已经结束了,不要与刚见面时说的“Nice to see you”搞混了~

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