
2015年11月07日 美国驻华大使馆


这些计划被称为“国家自定贡献预案”(Intended Nationally Determined Contributions),或INDC,是对为了我们所有人都拥有一个更健康的未来而采取行动的公开承诺。这些INDC致力于解决气候变化问题,具体来说就是发电站、汽车、工厂等人为污染源释放的二氧化碳及其他污染物。

一张卫星地图的红色部分显示出全球最严重的有害大气颗粒物聚集区域 (NASA)



了解你们国家计划如何改善空气质量。各国提交的INDC都公布在联合国气候变化框架公约(U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change)在线新闻中心(online newsroom)的INDC提交网页(INDC submissions page)上。

How will your country make it easier to breathe?

There has to be a plan — greenhouse gas pollution can’t be wished away. That’s why so many countries have been submitting plans to reduce carbon dioxide and other harmful emissions in the run-up to COP21, the climate summit to be held in Paris in December.

Called Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, or INDCs, these plans are public pledges to take steps toward a healthier future for us all. The INDCs tackle the causes of climate change, specifically the release of carbon dioxide and other pollutants from power plants, motor vehicles, factories and other man-made sources.

A satellite-based map shows the worst global concentrations of harmful, airborne particulate matter in red. (NASA)

Nearly 150 countries, representing 85 percent of global emissions, have set targets. These pledges represent action by a broad spectrum of developed and developing countries from every inhabited continent. The U.S. set a target to cut emissions 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2030. Brazil pledges to cut its emissions 37 percent by 2025 compared to 2005 levels. Its plan is to introduce more renewable energy sources and curb deforestation. India aims to reach 40 percent non-fossil-fuel-based power generation by 2030. Ethiopia plans to reduce its emissions by 64 percent below projected business-as-usual emissions by 2030. China’s target is to achieve the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and make the best effort to peak early.

Find out how your country is planning to help us all breathe easier. Countries’ INDCs are posted on the INDC submissions page of the online newsroom for the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.

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