Fast facts
Emergency services(紧急服务):
Other useful telephone numbers(其他常用电话号码):
Local operator(当地运营商):010
International operator(国际运营商):0170
NZ directory assistance(新西兰查号服务):018
International directory assistance(国际查号服务):0172
Airlines (航空公司) Domestic(国内航线):
Air New Zealand(新西兰航空公司):0800737000
Sounds Air: 0800505005
Air China (中国国际航空公司): +6493797696
Air Canada(加拿大航空公司): +6400697470
Air New Zealand(新西兰航空公司): 0800737000
Air Pacific(太平洋航空公司): 0800800178
American Airlines(美国航空公司): +6499128814
British Airways(英国航空公司): +6499669777
Cathay Pacific(国泰航空公司): 0800800454
Emirates(阿联酋航空公司): +6499682208
Japan Airlines(日本航空公司): 0800525747
Jetstar(捷星航空公司): 0800800995
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines(荷兰皇家航空公司): +6499216040
LAN Airlines(智利国家航空公司):+6493083352
Lufthansa(德国汉莎航空公司): 0800945220
Malaysia Airlines(马来西亚航空公司): 0800777747
Pacific Blue(太平洋蓝航空公司): 0800670000
Qantas(澳洲航空公司): 0800808767
Royal Brunei Airlines(文莱皇家航空公司): +6499772209
Singapore Airlines(新加坡航空公司): 0800808909
Thai Airways(泰国航空公司): +6493773886
Virgin Blue(维珍蓝航空公司): 0800670000
Banking hours(银行营业时间):
Banks are open from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. International credit cards and ATM cards will work as long as they have a four-digit PIN encoded. Most banks are closed on weekends, with the exception of some being open on Saturday mornings.
Business hours(工作时间):
Most shops and businesses are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Many stores are also open on Saturday and Sundays.
Bus, rail and ferry travel(巴士、铁路和渡船):
Many people prefer to travel by train rather than buses, but both provide a comfortable ride. Information on train travel can be found at train stations, I-SITE offices or by calling the KiwiRail Scenic Journeys nationwide central reservation centre on 0800TRAINS(0800872467).
(外出旅行,多数人喜欢乘坐火车而不喜欢巴士,其实两者都是非常舒适便利的。如需火车旅行信息,可留意火车站、I-SITE办事处,也可以致电KiwiRail Scenic Journeys全国中央预订中心咨询,电话是0800TRAINS (0800872467)).
Ferry is the usual mode of transport when travelling from Wellington in the North Island to Picton in the South Island. The Bluebridge and the Interislander ferries both make the journey, which takes around three hours and 30 minutes one way.
(要从北岛的惠灵顿到南岛的匹克顿,人们最常选择的交通工具是渡船。Bluebridge 和interislander 两家渡船公司都有提供此航线服务,单程需时约3小时30分钟。)
Climate (气候):
The north of New Zealand has a subtropical climate, while the south is temperate. The warmest months are December through to February, and the coldest months are June through to August. In summer, the average maximum temperature ranges between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius and in winter between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius.(新西兰北部属于亚热带气候,而南部则属于温带气候。每年的12月至次年的2月是最温暖的月份,6月至8月则是最寒冷的月份。夏天最高平均温度在20至30 摄氏度之间;冬天温度在10至15摄氏度之间。)