
2016年02月17日 无忧小雅哥

2016.02.13 A类Task 2 范文

There are few controls over the design and construction of new homes and office buildings, and people can build in whatever style they like. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


Architecture is an interesting concept to many people, often inciting great debate. One such debate surrounds the lack of control or restrictions on the designs or styles of new buildings. Personally, fewer restrictions offer the advantages of diversity and innovation, which outweigh the downside of unappealing structures. 

【作者的观点是,对于房屋设计监管的少,好处其实大于监管的多。因为监管的越少—就能offer the advantages of diversity and innovation; 这个好处outweigh the downside. 是不是有点绕?没关系,我们来详解下文。】

To start, the main drawback of architectural freedom is the construction of ugly buildings. In many ways, architecture can be considered art, and not everyone agrees that all art is beautiful. In fact, there are likely far more unappealing pieces of art than masterpieces. The issue with artistic failures within architecture is that they are permanent eyesores to cities. Take Melbourne for example, many people loath the green canopy found on a prominent street corner. 

【首先,如果不限制,那么主要的问题就是ugly buildings。作者认为,建筑有时候也被称为艺术,而且并不是每一个人都同意艺术都是漂亮的~本段中的词句,非常值得大家摘录哦!例如Artistic failure, unappealing, permanent eyesores等等~ 】

Despite the existence of unattractive designs, artistic freedom brings visual diversity to cities. Imagine travelling to Venice and finding the same style of buildings as those found in Paris, Beijing, Tokyo and every other city. The truth is that people appreciate the diversity of different architecture, as it creates uniqueness for cities and even within cities. My hometown of Denver is recognizable for having the ‘typewriter’ building, while Sydney is renowned for the Opera House.

【另一方面,unattractive designs的存在,也给城市带来了耳目一新不一样的感觉~试想一下假如威尼斯的建筑和巴黎、北京、东京等等城市是一样的话,会怎样呢?事实上,不同城市的不同建筑风格,是不同城市独特的风景线,给每个城市都增添了特有的风情。 】

More than simply aesthetic benefits, innovation is created when people are free from controls. Architecture can be incredibly inspirational and beautiful, but it can also offer utility and functionality. Music halls can be designed to optimize acoustics, while windows can be used to let in light, reducing energy use. A recently constructed concert hall built in Melbourne used floating floors to reduce the vibrations and noise resulting from the public transportation used within in the city. If buildings all needed to fit within a certain norm, those types of innovations may not be discovered. 

【上两段,一段论证了disadvantages,一段论述了advantages,那么到底哪个outweigh哪个?这段作者就来论述outweigh的这个问题。作者的观点是advantages outweigh disadvantages。除了外观形象之外,建筑的另一目的,就是实用性和功能性。如果建筑都设计成一个样,那么实用性显然就会降低。】

In conclusion, architecture is a more permanent form of art, which creates hesitation to open up freedom of design due to fears of public eyesores. However, that same freedom brings aesthetic uniqueness and innovative concepts, which far outweigh the downside. 


无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts

悉尼无忧雅思姐 mrs_51ielts

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