华盛顿大游行 - 如今,1963年的华盛顿大游行也许是以马丁·路德·金的经典演讲“我有一个梦想”而闻名于世的。但在现实中,这次大游行的成功主要归功于普通人的贡献。数十个基层组织参与策划并实施了这次大游行,来自全国每一个角落的美国公民都投入其中。这张图显示, 25万名群众从自远近各地赶来,让全国直视美国的种族问题。正是这一举动让此次大游行取得了真正的成功。 阅读马丁·路德·金的演讲全文(中文):http://snip.state.gov/d7q
The March on Washington – Today, the March on Washington of 1963 is perhaps most famous for Martin Luther King Jr.’s now iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. But in reality, the March was a success primarily due to the contributions of ordinary people. Dozens of grassroots organizations participated in the planning and implementation of the March, and American citizens poured in from every corner of the country to attend. This picture shows the crowd of 250,000 who traveled from near and far to place the national attention squarely on racial problems in the U.S. That is what made the March truly successful. #OrdinaryPeopleExtraordinaryChange Read the full text of Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech here (ch): http://snip.state.gov/d7q