【7plus雅思】写作口语晚班、周末班火爆招生!垂询热线:03 86760588、0430 583 358
【7plus雅思】Writing Band 7 Template 2
Topic: Internet connecting people
Some people say that the Internet is making the world smaller by bringingpeople together. To what extent do you agree that the Internet is making iteasier for people to communicate with one another?
Intoday’s world, due to the advancement of technology new inventions arecoming into existence. It is true that ‘Necessity is a mother ofinvention’. The Internet is just like a wonder box, which containsevery type of information. Besides it has alsoproved as a very important tool to connect people with one another.
In today’s modernized era nobodyhas sufficient time to write letters to their loved ones. Moreover, italso takes longer to send or receive any information, but the Internet isthe easiest way to send messages to our loved ones. Communication can beeither in the form of e-mail or through text messages sent via the Internet tomobile phones. We can send and receive messages straight away.
On the other hand, today’syoung generation mostly prefers to do chatting through the Internet. During suchchatting we can write messages and get replies straightaway. Moreover voice chatting is becoming more popular everyday.
In reality the advantages and disadvantagesresemble two sides of one coin, so as any other thingthe Internet also has some downsides, such as causingpeople health problems including, poor eye-sight, back ache ormigraines. Today’s teenagers usually prefer to spend their time on the internetrather than participating in other physical activities, which causingthem to have a weaker physical health.
In conclusion, I would like to saythat the Internet is one of the most modernized and most successful tools, notonly for communication, but also for getting the most relevant information regardingevery field in a very short period of time.
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