总体规划 Master Plan of western Sydney
随着NSW政府的大都市悉尼2036计划书的实施,未来西部人口预测将达3百万。另外,悉尼西南区 Badgerys Creek 新机场获批开建,预示着悉尼西部物业市场将更加快速扩张。
西悉尼就业区将成为新南威尔士州最大的一个新就业区,将为当地居民提供更靠近家的工作机会。这意味着在未来 30 年中,这个区将会有57,000 份就业机会, 甚至长远来讲, 212,000 份。
地理位置和交通 Location and Transport
周边学校Schools and University
Campbelltown Hospital
Macarthur square shopping center
Macarthur Square is the leading retail destination in Sydney's South West. Located just off the M5 / Hume Hwy, Macarthur Square offers a one stop shop for everything!
规模宏大的购物中心 Macarthur square shopping center,为日常生活提供了各种选择,使您足不出区,便能满足所有需求。
为什么要购买Airds的房子?Reasons to buy
1. 政府开发的土地,Landcom集团开发的项目;
Projects developed by Landcom Group
2. 价格实惠,租金回报率高,租金足以还房贷,升值潜力巨大;
Cheap price,high rental return which can cover monthly mortgage,great potential to increase price in near future;
3. 交通方便,门口就有巴士到达Campbelltown,临近购物中心和医院;
Convenient transportation,short distance to Campbelltown; Close to shopping center and hospital;
4. 临近西悉尼就业区,大批就业机会将在那里产生;
Close to Western Sydney Employment Area;