Kellyville 地区发展及介绍
Kellyville 区是率先在Baulkham Hills Shire 整体区域内发展其起来的新社区。Kellyville 位于悉尼的西北面,交通便利,紧邻M2 交通要道,居民可以在40-60分钟内到达悉尼市中心。同时,kellyville 有每日直通市中心CBD 的直达巴士,满足通勤人士的日常需求。
20 Mins to Parramatta CBD;
40 Mins to Sydney CBD;
45 Mins to Sydney Airport;
30 Mins to Macquarie University;
Near Chinese communities Eastwood, Carlingford, Castle Hill, Epping;
邻近华人社区Eastwood, Carlingford, Castle Hill, Epping;
Kellyville Plaza is the major shopping centre, with a Coles supermarket and plenty of shops. If Woolworths is your supermarket of choice there’s one next door. On Windsor Road you’ll find ‘The Village’, a collection of local shops and the huge Kellyville Pets store. Rouse Hill has the nearest organic food and farmers market and is held every Saturday in Rouse Hill Town Centre, about 10 minutes’ drive from Kelllyville.
最主要的购物中心是Kellyville 广场,里面包括Coles超市和大量的商店。Woolworths超市只要5分钟走路就可以到达。Windsor道路上有集市,集合了很多本地的商店包括庞大的宠物商店。每周六在Rouse Hill还有有机食物和农市, 距Kellyville只有十分钟车程。
For sports lovers, the Bernie Mullane Sporting Complex offers a health club, creche and kiosk together with courts and facilities for basketball, netball, gymnastics, martial arts, badminton, indoor soccer, volleyball and more. On non-sports days, there are plenty of parks for tiring out little ones.
对于体育爱好者来说,Bernie体育场里有各种运动场地和设施,可以在里面打篮球、 无挡板篮球、体操、 武术、 羽毛球、 室内足球、排球等。非体育爱好者可以选择附近的众多公园休息。
Kellyville has quite a few schools which are known for it high quality teaching standards. For example, James Ruse High School, Baulkham Hill High School ,King School, Rouse Hill high school, Ironbark Ridge Elementary School, Macquarie University, the University of Western Sydney. Many schools in the annual school rankings are even higher than the national average .
Kellyville周边公立私立学校林立,悉尼第一名精英中学James Ruse High School,悉尼第二名精英中学Baulkham Hill High School,全澳最著名私立中学King School, Rouse Hill高中、Ironbark Ridge小学、麦考瑞大学、西悉尼大学等。很多都是以高质量教学水平而远近闻名。诸多学校在每年度学校排名以及整体综合性评估都超越新南威尔士州,甚至高于全国平均水平。
Kellyville附近有各种综合性的医院及医疗机构,如Norwest Private Hospital以及The Hills Private Hospital.
Kellyville has a comprehensive range of hospital and medical institutions.
Norwest 科技产业园是集高新技术产业为主,占地广阔,可以吸纳多至三万名各行各业雇员的一个工业商业园区。其优势也在于其独特的地理位置,紧邻快速路,可以在很短的时间内到达市中心,悉尼机场,以及悉尼制造业工厂及物流集散中心。同时基础设施的建设也带动了科技产业园的发展。正在建设的North West Rail Line 更是增加产业园的交通连接,方便于在产业园中工作的人群。产业园的规模以及配套设施吸引了很多大型企业,其中有:IBM, OPTUS,BASF, C&W, Wyeth Austraia, Schneider Electrics and Woolworths Limited 等。而政府的复制也极大的帮助了产业园的发展,以满足企业的不同需求。
Norwest Business Park is a thriving business community strategically located with direct access to Sydney’s orbital motorway system providing easy access to the CBD, airport and Sydney’s manufacturing and distribution heartland. The Business Park has grown to accommodate over 20,000 employees with expansion expected to increase capacity to over 35,000 employees.