Location 地理位置
Southwest of Sydney;
35 Mins to Parramatta CBD;
45 Mins to Sydney CBD;
10 Mins to Sydney New Airport;
10 Mins to University of Western Sydney;
悉尼第二机场Badgerys creek将在2020年开工。六个火车站包括奥兰公园站也将建成以提高该地区的公共交通服务。
Sydney’s second airport at Badgerys Creek will start the construction in 2020. Six train stations including Oran Park station would be built in south-west Sydney under a long-term plan to upgrade public transport in the region and to a Badgerys Creek airport.Demographics 人口统计数据
Maturing & Established Independence make up the largest percentage of people living in Oran Park followed by Established Couples & Families and Independent Youth.
Oran park 的居民28.6%是成功人士,21%是新建立的夫妻和家庭,14.3%是未婚的年轻人,14.3%是老年人。
Life Style 生活方式
When completed Oran Park Town will be home to over 25,000 people living in 8,000 homes. The town centre will have all amenities expected of a full town centre including:
43 hectares of open space including 9km of cycle ways;
12 children‘s playground, local parks and recreation areas;
Plenty of sports fields and reserves to cater for soccer, rugby and cricket;
40 hectares of re-vegetated riparian corridor area;
50,000m2 of retail space in the shopping centre,including two supermarkets, specialty shops, food outlets, cafes, restaurants and discount department stores;建好的奥兰公园将会有超过 25,000 的居民生活在 8000 套住宅里。城镇中心将会有以下设施和服务:
43 公顷的开放空地, 包括9千米长的单车道;
12 个儿童游乐场、 公园和休息区;
40 公顷的河岸绿地走廊区;
5万平米的零售商场中心,包括两个超市、 咖啡馆、 餐馆和百货商店等;
Education & Hospitals 教育医疗
Oran Park Anglican College
A second public school
Further provision has been made for another private / independent school as well as a public school
Nearby schools:
Future St Justin's Catholic Primary School
St Benedict's Catholic High School
Macarthur Anglican School
Campbelltown Hospital
Sydney Medical Service Home
Macarthur GPEmployment 就业
The Western Sydney Employment Area will be the single largest new employment space in New South Wales, and will provide opportunities for local people to work closer to home. This means we can expect the Western Sydney Employment Area to provide more than the 57,000 jobs we had predicted over the next 30 years, and the 212,000 jobs we had forecast for the longer term.
西悉尼就业区将成为新南威尔士州最大的一个新就业区,将为当地居民提供更靠近家的工作机会。这意味着在未来 30 年中,这个区将会有57,000 份就业机会, 甚至长远来讲, 212,000 份。