【亚太裔传统月】Anna Sui/萧志美

2016年05月17日 美国驻华大使馆

生于底特律的华裔萧志美(Anna Sui) 曾就读于纽约帕森设计学院新学院的艺术与设计学院。在Naomi Campbell和Linda Evangelista两位超模友人的鼓励下,她在1991年推出首秀并一鸣惊人,今天其品牌在全球销售。时尚评论家指出她以其大胆、受到文化启发的设计知名,散发浓厚的波西米亚风。

Detroit native Anna Sui, of Chinese descent, studied fashion at The New School’s art and design college, Parsons School of Design, in New York. Encouraged by her friends, models Naomi Campbell and Linda Evangelista, she launched her first runway show in 1991. Her debut was warmly received, and today, her brand retails globally. Sui is known for her bold, culturally inspired designs, which have a distinctly bohemian look, say fashion critics. When designing clothes, Sui told Elle magazine, she asks herself: “Would a rock star wear this?”

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