
2016年05月25日 美国驻华大使馆

#亚太裔传统月#美国联邦众议员赵美心(Judy Chu),祖籍中国广东新会,出生在洛杉矶,是美国历史上第一位华裔女性国会议员,当选后将成为国会联邦众议院教育与劳工委员会成员。四年前美国正式以立法形式就1882年通过的《排华法案》道歉,赵美心为促成此事付出了极大的努力。更多:http://chu.house.gov/ 

US Congress Woman, Zhao Meixin’s (Judy Chu), ancesters are from Guangdong Xinhui.  She was born in Los Angeles, and was the first female of Chinese descent elected to become a member of Congress, where she serves on the House Education and Labor Committee . Four years ago, through her efforts, the United States adopted official legislation to apologize for the 1882  “Chinese Exclusion Act."


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