扬七彩童梦 悦多彩童心

2016年05月30日 加拿大国际教育集团


童年的梦是七彩的梦,童年的歌是欢乐的歌。在2016年“六一儿童节”来临之际,番禺区雅居乐加拿达中英文幼儿园大班的孩子们参加了南村镇“庆祝六一”幼儿艺术节活动,他们用自己动听的歌声、优美的舞姿,稚嫩的画笔大胆的表达自己对幸福童年的理解和愿望,并取得了良好的成绩。幼儿园歌咏比赛中,孩子们演绎的合唱歌曲《美好的未来》、《Obwisana 》获一等奖;舞蹈《冰雪奇缘》获二等奖;幼儿美术现场绘画比赛中王小张、罗子涵、谭钰曦、李世泓、冉羽杉小朋友获得一等奖;青田懋小朋友获得二等奖。让我们一起再次领略孩子们的风采:

Colourful dream , Colourful life 

 ——Wonderful reviews of celebrating “Children’s Day” Art activities in Nancun town by Big class children

The dreams if childhood are colorful dreams, songs of childhood are happy songs. Now "Children's Day" is approaching, and big class children from CKE-A participated in the Art Festival in celebration of children's day in Nuncun town. They expressed their understandings and wishes for a happy childhood by showing their beautiful dances, songs and wonderful drawings. They really performed well and they got good results. In the singing contest, the children’s choral songs —"bright future" and "Obwisana" won the first prize and dance "frozen" won the second prize; What’s more , in the Children's art scene painting contest, children Rabbit、Dora、 Isabella、Daniel 、Cathy won the first prize and Julia won the second prize. Let’s look back and remember these children's wonderful moments:

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