
2016年05月21日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

新的一周,新的开始,就在本周我们举行了一次为期5天的义卖活动。数学课上同学们学习了金融数学,在这次活动中同学们将把知识运用在商业上,我们所有的利润将捐给福利机构, 同学们利用课余时间以小组形式去进货,制作宣传海报,拟定卖价。在义卖过程中,同学们集思广益,思考如何能吸引顾客的方法,经营出自己的商业模式。我们提前了很长一段时间在十字路口进行准备,每个小组都匆匆忙忙的准备着迎接顾客朋友们的到来。终于到了午休时间,同学们的热情如那烈日一样炙热。学生们出现,经过,走出我们的视线。刚开始的时候我们都很失落,直到终于第一位客人上门,使我们重燃斗志。时间飞快的流逝,到了收摊的时候,成果虽然没有预期想象的那么好,但是我们还是很开心,很有成就感。

A new week is always a new start. This week, our Math teacher Mylen organizes a charity sale as a Math activity from Monday to Friday. During the math class, students used their knowledge on financial.  All the profit we get will be donated to the charity. We used the free time to buy things, make a poster and decide the price as groups. During the bazaar, students listened to all usefull opinions and planed them. We found the way that they could catch the eyes of customers. We managed their own business model. We prepare a long period of time for the sale at the crossroads in the campus. Each group rushed to greet customers and friends to come. In the lunch break,the ardor of students are fervent as the sun and the students are having their lunch break through and out of our sight. At first we are frustrated. Finally, the first customers make us rekindle morale. How time flies. Before we end the sale, even though the sale is not expected what we expected, we are still very happy, and feel a sense of accomplishment. 


We learnt how to trade during this charity sale, buy and sell goods. Also, all students in this class hope they can have some similar meaningful activities.  In this activity, every student was a little businessman. During the business, they can broaden their mind and use the knowledge in life. Everyone enjoyed and learned new things.

编辑:G10A 陈宇潇 G10B张琴

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