一封来自普林斯顿导师的信(中英文版) --如何合理规划暑假?

2016年05月27日 美中国际美国留学广州分部




1 选择要注重“兴趣+目标”


2 项目要注重“资质+实用”


3 家长不能代替孩子做选择   

事实上哈佛大学非常担心学生的心理健康并说道:“家庭应该允许学生‘停机’,即在周末、假期期间、平时的进餐时间或任何其他休息时间给学生放松。夏天完全不需要被高度结构化的暑期学校,旅游项目,或运动营地项目填满,也不需要过多地添加压力装配成“超级同行”几乎不可能的高标准。适合个体的活动可以让学生学习更加愉快,对学生发展更有帮助,学生需要充足的自由时间来反思、重塑自己(即在没有升学压力的影响之下来重塑自己),以及为来年的学业养精蓄锐。如果学生总是被要求做一个又一个紧张且没有真正兴趣的项目,会导致学生很快透支自己,甚至进入大学后产生精神崩溃的情况被迫休学。” 所以在一定程度上家长要询问孩子的意见并尊重孩子的选择。



  • 能够发挥学生特长的活动

  • 体育、乐器或者志愿者活动

  • 线上课程或者是本地学校某一特定领域的课程(像天文、创意写作等,不包括SAT课程)

  • 做一份暑期全职或兼职工作(一位招生官说过:工作让任何人增值,它用一种不同于上学的方式来塑造性格)

  • 学生乐在其中的活动

  • 学生自己决定而不是父母决定去做什么

  • 学生真实知道自己要追求什么很重要(应该是学生真正的兴趣)

  • 休息的时候与家人一起很重要

  • 休闲活动要让学生放松和反思:例如独自休闲的散步、思考和梦想未来、享受阅读等

  • 保持写日记

  • 走出舒适圈——学习跳舞、唱歌、游泳或演讲

  • 观看和讨论引人深思的电影或纪录片

  • 组建或参加一个读书/电影俱乐部去学会批判性分析、分享想法、辩论观点等

  • 学习免费的线上课程:Academic Earth, Coursera, Udacity, Udemy, edX, SkilledUp OpenU, FutureLearn,以及其他更多http://knowledgelover.com/best-mooc-massive-open-online-course-providers-list/

  • 预习大学级别的课程:UCLA, Columbia University, engineering at Johns Hopkins, 康奈尔大学和纽黑文大学提供的海洋生物课程(6-7月,和8月),密西根州的Interlochen Arts Camp,以及其他更多 http://www.summerdiscovery.com/

  • 学习海外暑期课程,尤其是对于外语学习特别感兴趣的:Abbey Road和Where There Be Dragon


  • http://wiselikeus.com/collegewise/2010/05/50-summer-activities-for-high-school-students.html

  • https://professionals.collegeboard.org/guidance/prepare/summer 

  • https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-started/outside-the-classroom/5-ways-to-stay-on-track-in-summer

  • http://collegeapps.about.com/od/theartofgettingaccepted/tp/best-summer-plans-for-high-school-students.htm

  • http://collegeapps.about.com/od/theartofgettingaccepted/a/bad-summer-plans.htm

  • http://poetsandquantsforundergrads.com/2014/06/28/a-high-school-students-guide-to-summer-planning-for-college/



While US students sometimes do spend time over the summer preparing for exams such as the SAT/ACT/SSAT/etc., they do not spend their entire summers doing only just this and often will spend just a few hours regularly (daily or for a few days each week) and then use the rest of the time for other things. Those other things could be classes, activities, volunteering, internships, or part-time/full-time jobs that allow students to delve deeper into personal or academic interests or challenge themselves in ways that may not necessarily be academic and should be something that the student enjoys and has decided for themselves to do (and should not be something forced onto them by their parents). Another important thing that US students do over their summer is spend some of the time relaxing so that they can reflect on what they want to develop about themselves, and how to do it. There is no "formula" for a 'perfect summer' such as you must do X, Y, and Z, because it depends on each student and their interests and goals for how they want to develop. 

Summer Plan  

Summer plans also do not need to include fancy or expensive programs. Regarding summer enrichment programs (like summer programs at universities), opinions seem to be mixed because some people think it is a waste of time, especially for American students, because for American students it may not help with their application for admission, but for Chinese students it may help to give them a better idea of what US university classes are like and the potential for building credibility on their application. If the summer enrichment program is focused on a specific area such as journalism or robotics that the student is genuinely interested in, then it becomes a good reason to participate. However, if a Chinese student is accepted to a selective summer enrichment program at a university and is interested in going, I would still suggest that they do not only take classes while they are in the program--just like with SAT classes, I would recommend that the student spend time outside of classes and doing coursework to pursue other interests nearby, continue to reflect, try to volunteer or do an internship nearby, etc. 

Havard Say  

Harvard is actually very worried about the mental health of students and say that "Families should allow for “down-time” during vacations, weekends, and during the week at mealtimes or at any other break..Summer need not be totally consumed by highly structured programs, such as summer schools, travel programs, or athletic camps. While such activities can be wonderful in many ways, they can also add to stress by assembling “super peers” who set nearly     impossible standards. Activities in which one can develop at one’s own pace can be much more pleasant and helpful. An old-fashioned summer job that provides a contrast to the school year or allows students to meet others of differing backgrounds, ages, and life experiences is often invaluable in providing psychological downtime and a window on future possibilities. Students need ample free time to reflect, to recreate (i.e. to “re-create” themselves without the driving pressure to achieve as an influence), and to gather strength for the school year ahead." They say that students who have always been told to do one stressful program after another with no genuine interest very quickly burn out or have mental breakdowns once they reach college, and then may be forced to take a year off. Here is where they say this:



In conclusion, US students do use their summers to add impressive things on their high school resumes, but they also try to schedule time to pursue activities that will help guide them to making more meaningful personal decisions about what to pursue, and sometimes that means pursuing activities to know themselves better first, and to challenge themselves in ways that make them uncomfortable, so that they can grow.

Here are some bullet points for what students could do during the summer: 

  • Activities where students can explore their interests

  • Activities to improve a skill such as a sport or instrument or volunteering

  • Taking a class online or at a local college to explore a specific subject area such as astronomy, creative writing, etc (not including SAT)

  • Working a part-time or full-time summer job (one admissions officer said "Working is a great enhancement for anybody. It builds character in a different way than going to school.”)

  • The activities should be something the student enjoys

  • The student, not the parent, should decide what to do

  • It is important that students be authentic in what they pursue (it should be for genuine interest)

  • Downtime is very important too to be together with family

  • Relaxing activities should be included as well so that the student can reflect and relax: take leisurely walks alone, think and dream about the future, read for enjoyment, etc.

  • Keeping a diary to write down reflections

  • Doing something to get out of comfort zone - learning to dance, sing, swim, or give speeches

  • Watching and discussing thought-provoking movies, films, or documentaries

  • Starting and/or participating in a book or film club to learn how to critically analyze, share thoughts, argue opinions, etc. and use this guide to learn how to learn better

  • Free college-level online courses: Academic Earth, Coursera, UdacityUdemy, edX, SkilledUp OpenU, FutureLearn, and many others.

  • University-level programs: UCLA, Columbia University, engineering at Johns Hopkins, marine biology (June-July, August) offered by Cornell and University of New Hampshire, the arts in a camp in Michigan, and many others.

  • Study abroad summer programs, especially if the student is interested in learning or practicing another language: Abbey Road and Where There Be Dragons

Here are some of the websites that have some more great ideas: 

  • http://wiselikeus.com/collegewise/2010/05/50-summer-activities-for-high-school-students.html

  • https://professionals.collegeboard.org/guidance/prepare/summer 

  • https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/get-started/outside-the-classroom/5-ways-to-stay-on-track-in-summer

  • http://collegeapps.about.com/od/theartofgettingaccepted/tp/best-summer-plans-for-high-school-students.htm

  • http://collegeapps.about.com/od/theartofgettingaccepted/a/bad-summer-plans.htm

  • http://poetsandquantsforundergrads.com/2014/06/28/a-high-school-students-guide-to-summer-planning-for-college/



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