成都世纪城天堂洲际大饭店总经理刘扬 近日,刘扬被洲际酒店集团新任命为成都世纪城天堂洲际大饭店总经理。 任这一职务之前,自2014年起,刘扬担任九寨天堂洲际大饭店及九寨天堂甲蕃古城假日酒店区域总经理一职。1991年,刘扬在前乌鲁木齐假日酒店开始了她的酒店职业之旅。2002年,她作为房务经理加入了南京金鹰皇冠假日酒店。2008年,她继续自己在洲际酒店的职业发展之路,加入会展旅游集团·天堂洲际酒店群,并担任成都世纪城假日酒店酒店经理一职,后升职为总经理。 Crystal LiuGeneral ManagerInterContinental Century City Chengdu Crystal Liu has been newly appointed as General Manager of InterContinental Century City Chengdu recently.Crystal was previously General Manager for InterContinental Resort Jiuzhai Paradise and Holiday Inn Jiuzhai Jarpo since April 2014. Crystal has been a very loyal member of the IHG family and started her career with ex-Holiday Inn Urumuqi in 1991. She re-joined IHG in 2002 at Crowne Plaza Nanjing Hotels & Suites as Rooms Division Manager. To further develop her career advancement with IHG, she joined ETG Portfolio Hotels cluster in 2008 and developed from the role of Hotel Manager to General Manager of Holiday Inn Chengdu Century City, prior to her transfer to Jiuzhai Paradise in her most recent role. 九寨天堂洲际大饭店及九寨天堂甲蕃古城假日酒店总经理原松涛 2016年4月15日,原松涛被洲际酒店集团新任命为九寨天堂洲际大饭店及九寨天堂甲蕃古城假日酒店总经理一职。原松涛于2015年10月作为人才储备总经理项目的首批成员加入洲际酒店集团。在加入洲际酒店集团之前,他在呼和浩特香格里拉大饭店任驻店经理一职。加入洲际集团之后在会展旅游集团·天堂洲际酒店群旗下酒店任总经理,并于2016年1月起因工作需要赴任黑龙滩长岛天堂洲际酒店任支援总经理一职。 Jeffrey YuanGeneral ManagerInterContinental Resort Jiuzhai Paradise and Holiday Inn Jiuzhai Jarpo Jeffrey Yuan has been appointed as the General Manager of InterContinental Resort Jiuzhai Paradise and overseeing Holiday Inn Jiuzhai Jarpo, effective from April 15, 2016.Jeffrey has been hand-picked as the pioneer batch of IHG GM Ready Programme, where IHG hires high potential talent from both within IHG and outside IHG to help accelerate their development to become General Manager in IHG. Prior to joining IHG, Jeffrey has been working in Shangri-La Huhhot as Resident Manager. As part of the GM Ready programme where Jeffrey joined in October 2015, Jeffrey was being developed as a General Manager with the ETG Portfolio Hotels and spent part of his time as the Task Force General Manager at InterContinental Heilong Lake since January 2016. 成都世纪城假日酒店总经理金金金金近日刚刚被洲际酒店集团新任命为成都世纪城假日酒店总经理。在这一新职务之前,金金担任成都世纪城天堂洲际大饭店驻店经理一职。金金于1997年在广州白天鹅饭店客房部开启了他的酒店职业生涯,其后他在不同城市的喜来登酒店工作。2002年,他作为前台主管加入了南京金鹰皇冠假日酒店,并一路成长为前厅经理。2008年,金金作为成都世纪城假日酒店前厅经理加入了会展旅游集团·天堂洲际酒店群,期间他表现出的很强的团队合作精神和领导力,并于2010年升职成为该酒店的房务总监,其后被调任至成都世纪城天堂洲际大饭店任房务总监, 后被升任为成都世纪城天堂洲际大饭店的行政助理经理及驻店经理。 Jin JinGeneral ManagerHoliday Inn Chengdu Century City Jin Jin is appointed as the General Manager of Holiday Inn Chengdu Century City recently. Before this new position, Jin Jin was the Resident Manager of InterContinental Century City Chengdu. He started his career in hotel industry from 1997 at Housekeeping Department with White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou, from then he has worked with several hotels with Sheraton brand in different cities. In 2002, he joined IHG as the front office supervisor at Crowne Plaza Nanjing Hotel & Suites and grew to Front Office Manager. Jin Jin joined ETG Portfolio Hotels in 2008 as Front Office Manager for Holiday Inn Chengdu Century City, where he has showed very strong teamwork and leadership in the Rooms Division, and being promoted as Director of Rooms in 2010. Then, he was transferred to InterContinental Century City Chengdu to be the Director of Rooms. With his successful development path, he was promoted as Executive Assistant Manager and Resident Manager.