各位小朋友,下周SK的故事屋将跟大家一起分享《The wheels on the bus》
Classic Bookes with holes from Child’s Play illustrated by Annie Kubler
歌词:THE wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round.The wheels on the bus go round and round, All day long!THE wipers on the bus go Swish Swish Swish, Swish Swish Swish, Swish Swish Swish, The wipers on the bus go Swish Swish Swish, All day long!THE horn on the bus goes beep! Beep! Beep! beep! Beep! Beep! beep! Beep! Beep! The horn on the bus goes beep! Beep! Beep! All day long!THE driver on the bus says,”Tickets Please! Tickets Please! Tickets Please! ” The driver on the bus says,”Tickets Please!”All day long!THE parents on the bus go Chat Chat Chat, Chat Chat Chat, Chat Chat Chat,The parents on the bus go Chat Chat Chat, All day long!THE babies on the bus go “Wah Wah Wah, Wah Wah Wah, Wah Wah Wah,” THE babies on the bus go “Wah Wah Wah”,All day long!THE people on the bus go “Ssh Ssh Ssh, Ssh Ssh Ssh, Ssh Ssh Ssh,” THE people on the bus go “Ssh Ssh Ssh”,All day long!THE children on the bus say,”Party Time”.
版本点评:这本书画面非常鲜艳漂亮,每一页都根据文字的内容配上了小小的镂空设计,独具匠心。画面内容很丰富,画面主体是人。除了这首儿歌本身,里面的很多小动物也能对宝宝进行认知、数字方面的启蒙。因为我个人非常喜欢黄蓝绿橙这几种很明媚的颜色,所以我对这个版本也是情有独钟。美中不足是开本小了一点。 讲读反馈:2月开始,偶尔给他唱一回这首歌,当时他对这首歌尚未如此热衷,更多的是关注书上的众多小动物,比如蜗牛,兔子,蝴蝶等等。他指一个,我就说出这个动物的名字。偶尔为了提高兴趣,我会让他看一下网络上的视频,是老外一家三口一起演绎这首歌,妈妈弹吉他伴奏,一男一女两个小孩表演唱,那个小女孩表演得绘声绘色。一个多月的时间就这么一直不紧不慢地读这本。但是从3月中旬开始,他突然来了个大逆转,一下子爱这本书爱得不得了,一看见我,就举着这本书冲我喊“妈妈、妈妈!”我就问他:是让妈妈唱吗?他就赶快“qi、qi”地表示同意。我就开始表演唱。3月下旬,他几乎每天都只看这本书,每天都要我给唱好几次。