
2016年05月22日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中

2016.5.20 在这个充满爱的日子,长春市实验中学国际部学生会带着热情和对孩子们的期望走进了团结村团结小学走在带着乡村气息的小路上,我们看着远处孩子们脸上的笑容便想起自己小时候的无拘无束。

May 20, 2016 is a day filled with love. We stepped into TuanJie Elementary School, which is located in a remote area, with our enthusiasm and expectations to the primary school students. The soil that we stood on emitted an earthy scent. The children’s smiling faces delighted my heart so as to evoke my childhood memory that I chased for cool wind when I was 6 or 7 years old. 

体育课 王家俊 张诗雨 PE-Desmond Hector



In order take diverse classes to the elementary students, Grade 10 and grade 11 students prepared various visual aids, teaching plans, and small presents. 

中华文化课徐可 付宇

Chinese cultural class – Coco and Finn

语文课范广一 周源桐

Chinese class – Outman and Fred

音乐课包明坤 姜懿桐

Music Class – Berry and Kelly

数学课李迅威 杨添雅

Math class – Dereck and Crystal

英语课—朱师泽 初明贺

English class—Evan and Quenna

戏剧课—张誉潇 张琴

Drama class – Rachel and Kylin

科学课张佳琦 于航

Science class—Angela and Ruby

美术课焦妮 周勃 Art class – Jenny and Wendy


The diversification of curriculum not only can exercise the children’s practice and innovation ability, but also their logical thinking pattern. Children actively participated in class activities and answered questions. In the extra time, they played games with us. We enjoyed ourselves very much.

最后的依依不舍都留在了操场和礼物上, 希望还有更多这样的机会让市实验国际部的同学体验各种不同的生活和职业的感受.

Finally, we all had a mixture sense of happiness and sadness. Reluctance to leave stays on the playground and gifts. Hope that there will have more opportunities to let the students of Changchun Experimental High School International Division experience different life and career.

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