
2016年10月12日 UKEC海外区

天气凉了呀。感觉背短语的时间又到了。(有什么必然联系么…)其实每次编编看着地道的英文短语就觉得神清气爽,终于不用每天都Nice to meet you了。

知识是人类进步的阶梯噜!(ˇˍˇ) 你不学习编编都替你着急撒… 能听懂地道的英语是一件逼格多么高的事儿啊,总之,本宝宝都替你找了,你还不背就太不够意思了吧~~


1.喜欢上了某个人 To fancy someone


He’s fancied her ever since they first met at college, but he’s never been brave enough to ask her out.

I’m sorry. I like you as a friend, but I don’t fancy you.


如果把人换成物 to fancy something 那就是你特想、特渴望这样东西。

I’m parched. I really fancy a nice cup of tea.

I fancy an ice-cream, how about you? Do you want anything?

2.循规蹈矩 To toe the line


Although Mark disagreed with his manager about some things, he decided to toe the line because he wanted a promotion.

If you want to get good grades you need to toe the line and do what your lecturer says.


另一个短语 to step on someone's toes 的意思是触及他人权利范围,管别人的事。

I don't mean to step on your toes as I know this is your project, but we really need to move it forward today. Can I give you some help?

You realise you’ll be stepping on her toes if you order the cake. It’s her wedding and she wants to do everything.

3.一举成功 To take off


Streaming movies has really taken off. I don’t know anyone who still buys DVDs.

The app he developed really took off and made him a millionaire.


另一个短语 take on something 的意思是一个人对某事的理解和看法。

What’s your take on this announcement from the university? I’m not sure I quite get it.

4.说走嘴了 To put your foot in it


I really put my foot in it when I asked where his girlfriend was. I’d forgotten she’d left him.

You put your foot in it when you mentioned the party on Saturday! It was supposed to be a surprise.


另一个短语 to put your foot down 表示一个人态度坚决,对一件事情到底是做还是不做立场坚定,不予让步。

From now on I’m putting my foot down. I expect all assignments to be submitted no later that 5pm on deadline day, OK?

Dad put his foot down and refused to let me use the car until I pay for the damage I caused last time I borrowed it.

5.搞不明白 Can't get your head around something


Roger has tried to explain the laws of cricket, but it sounds so complicated that I just can't get my head around it.

Everyone was laughing at Billy's joke but I couldn't get my head around it at all.


另一个和“头”相关的常用表达是 it's all in your head,意思是“全是凭空想象”。

I don't believe that your teacher wants you to fail the exams - it's all in your head!

Come on, don't be so superstitious. I'm sure the room is ok - it's all in your head!

6.击中要害 Hit the nail on the head


I think Jemma hit the nail on the head when she said that the management lacked inspiration.

Peter hit the nail on the head when he spoke out against bullying in the school.


另一个含有“nail 钉子”一词的成语是 nail something down,意思是把什么事情确定、敲定下来。

He's been looking at maps for weeks trying to nail down his route.

Could you nail down the meeting time and place for our presentation?

7.做假账 Cook the books


The police arrested John today. He's suspected of cooking the books.

The auditors found that the fast food chain has been cooking the books for years.


另一个含有“cook 煮饭”一词的成语是 cook up something,意思是谋划什么事情。

I would like to get my hands on whoever cooked up this scheme - it’s all fake.

Please don’t try to cook up an excuse for being late.

8.零乱、到处都是 All over the shop


Look at the state of your bedroom. Your clothes are all over the shop!

Where were you? We were looking all over the shop for you.


另一个含有“shop 商店”一词的成语是 shop around,意思是货比三家。

When it comes to buying insurance, it’s a good idea to shop around for the best price.

I always shop around for my holidays abroad, you can save a lot of money.

9.初春浮躁 Spring fever


The days are getting longer and warmer - I am definitely starting to feel spring fever.

The university library has been very empty lately. I wonder if it’s spring fever that’s keeping everyone away.


短语 be full of the joys of spring 借助万象更新的春季来描述一种充满活力的、快乐的感觉。

Sara has been full of the joys of spring all day.

I am full of the joys of spring.

10.风华正茂 In the flower of your youth


Look at those students – they're all in the flower of their youth.

She's still extremely active considering she's no longer in the flower of her youth.


另一个和“花”有关的常用表达是 in flower,意思是“开花”。

Daffodils are in flower in early spring.

Do you know which plants are in flower in December?

11.开始喜欢某事物 To acquire a taste for something


I first visited China ten years ago and I found the food very different, but now I’ve really acquired a taste for it. I’ll always order dim sum wherever I am!

Ken acquired a taste for adventure when he was in his early twenties. He has been backpacking around remote parts of the world ever since.


An acquired taste 指的是起初不喜欢但后来逐渐培养的爱好。

Japanese Noh theatre is very much an acquired taste.

Have you ever tried the Scottish food, haggis? It’s an acquired taste, but delicious once you get to like it!

12.忘恩负义 To bite the hand that feeds you


Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. As soon as he finished his training he left the company and joined a competitor.

Teenagers are often rebellious and bite the hands that feed them. When I was in my teens I was very rude to my parents even though they gave me everything.


另一个含有 hand 的短语是 to bite someone's hand off “一口把人的手给咬下来了”。听着很害怕,但实际上这个短语是用来形容“迫不及待地、毫不犹豫地答应一件事情或接受一个条件”,因为这件事情或条件实在是太好了。

I nearly bit his hand off when he offered me the concert tickets. I’d been trying for ages to get some.

“What would you say if I offered you the job in Beijing?”

“I’d bite your hand off!”

13.怂恿、鼓动 To egg someone on


I would never have asked her out if you hadn’t egged me on. You knew she would say no, didn’t you? I feel terrible now.


另一个含有 egg 的表达是 with egg on someone’s face。可想而知,脸上挂了鸡蛋该有多么不舒服,所以我们可以用这个短语形容某人处于难堪、尴尬的情形中。

He was left with egg on his face when he spilled his coffee all over the spreadsheets in the finance meeting.

I was left with egg on my face after saying I could do the job in a day. It took me a week. So embarrassing.

14.非常好的发明 The greatest/best thing since sliced bread


I love my new Ultra HDTV, it’s the best thing since sliced bread!

Some people say that smartphones are the best thing since sliced bread, but for me they are just a tool that people are obsessed with.


单词 breadwinner 的意思是养家糊口的人。

Since Dad died my brother has been the breadwinner in our family.

It’s a big responsibility being the breadwinner.

15.另有要事要办 To have bigger fish to fry


I know you’re upset that we’re not going away on holiday this year, but we’ve got bigger fish to fry - I think I’m going to lose my job.

Sometimes I think the police don’t worry about some petty crimes as they have bigger fish to fry.


鱼如果离开了水怎么能存活呢?如果你碰到了令你不自在的情况,你就可以用 a fish out of water 来形容你的感觉。

I felt like a fish out of water at the nursery party. I was the only dad there.

I was a real fish out of water when I first moved to London. I was used to the quiet country life and I didn’t know anyone.






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