
2016年09月23日 AF一站式留学专家



Critical Writing: 5 Top Tips

AF 专栏 
AF Education
专属博客 Liam Carrigan


It was once said that all the world is a stage and that, at times, everyone is a critic.




Cynical and hyperbolic though this view of the world may be,the fact remains that for students across a wide range of courses in today's academic world,the ability to write effective critical evaluations, be they of works of literature, media or other more abstract concepts such a political ideas or philosophical notions, is crucial to ensuring one gets the best possible grade upon completion of university.




And yet, whilst students from China tend to score highly in logic driven subjects such as Mathematics and the Sciences, in areas such as English literature, Philosophy and Social Sciences they can, on occasion,struggle to write effective, easy to understand critique.




What many learners, both in China and indeed around the world fail to grasp, is that critical writing differs from other forms of academic writing considerably. Understanding these nuanced differences and acting on them is the key to producing critical content that will be highly evaluated by your lecturers.



So today I present my top 5 tips for producing effective critical writing.


1)陈述事实,而非观点。在今天快餐式的新闻世界里, 许多人的个人偏见发挥在新闻媒体上,读者要辨别事实和个人观点变得很困难。然而,大学里要求的批判性写作并不是电视台主持人的水平。大学只是要求你用事实来支持你所说的,我们来看一下这个例子:


1) Present facts, not opinion. In today's fast food news world, where owners' personal biases are allowed to exert themselves across the news media, discerning the difference between fact and opinion can be very difficult. However, writing critically at the university level isn't like being an anchorman for Fox News. Here, at university, you will actually be expected to produce facts to back up what you say. Let's look at an example.




If you said "I think climate change is a big problem" your assessor is unlikely to look favourably on this part of your essay. If however you said "Statistical analysis suggests that climate change is a real and growing problem" then you'll almost certainly get a higher grade.




2) Maintain a balance. It is very important to ensure that your essay isn't too one-sided, even if the issue at hand is one where popular opinion leans heavily in one particular direction. Understanding and exploring viewpoints that differ and/or conflict with your own not only makes for a higher quality essay, but it also demonstrates to your teachers your ability to step outside the echo-chamber of your own ideas and opinions and see the bigger picture, with a more mature attitude.




3) Understand that balance isn't always a 50/50 thing.




A common mistake that we often see in the media these days isthe idea that two opposite points of view need equal amounts of attention in order to maintain balance and fairness.




This is not the case. Rather the amount of coverage a viewpointis given should reflect the proportion of support that evidence offers to back up that viewpoint.




To show you what I mean, let's look at the climate change argument again.




Around 97% of scientists acknowledge that climate change is real and that efforts must be made to deal with it. Those who deny climate change exists make up only around 3% of the established, respected, global scientific community. And yet, in the newspapers and on TV, whenever a debate is held regarding climate change, it is expected that the arguments that climate change isn't real are afforded 50% of the coverage, despite only have 3% of support amongst those in the know. This isn't balance, and it skews the issue, preventing actual informed debate from taking place. In academic writing, we must always be aware of this, and ensure that we afford conflicting viewpoints their due prominence, however much or however little that may be.




4) A second opinion is never a bad thing.




As a general rule, before you read this piece on our website here at AF, it will probably be read by 3 or 4 different people after my initial submission. With each review, there are minor changes, edits, corrections, additions and subtractions. Whilst some people are quite proud of their own work and don't like the idea of someone else modifying it, the reality is we need peer feedback to improve ourselves. It's always a good idea to have someone whose opinion you respect read over your essay before you submit it. Even if they don't have a particular knowledge of the subject area you are discussing, they will be able to provide feedback as to the accessibility of your writing, its clarity and its balance.




5) Don't over-edit.




Most writers are, by their very nature, perfectionists and assuch we tend to be very critical of ourselves, especially where writing is concerned. Whilst this is admirable, it can, at times bring additional headaches. By all means edit your work and ensure it is the best you can do. But set a limit for yourself. Once you've been through 2 or 3 drafts, the essay is probably as good asit's going to get. With too much editing, you risk destroying the essence of what you first tried to create.

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