
2016年10月11日 美国驻华大使馆

#EVUS简介#-哪些人可以使用EVUS?很快,旅客的朋友、亲属、旅游行业专业人士或其他第三方可代表旅客向 EVUS 提交所需信息。第三方可代表旅客支付相关费用。但旅客本人以该旅客名义提交的全部信息的真实性和准确性负责关于EVUS的更多信息请见:www.cbp.gov/EVUS

#IntroducingEVUS– Who can use EVUS?

Starting soon, a friend, relative, travelindustry professional, or another third party may submit the requiredinformation to EVUS on a traveler’s behalf.  A third party may also payrelated fees on behalf of the traveler.  However, the traveler is responsiblefor the truthfulness and accuracy of all information submitted on his or herbehalf. For more information about EVUS visit: www.cbp.gov/EVUS

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