
2017年06月05日 加拿大木业协会


昆山加拿大国际学校/Canadian International School Kunshan


As China has officially withdrawn the one-child policy, encouraging couples to have more kids, the booming population will tremendously impact the future of education. It is certain that the demand for high quality educational facilities and new campuses will increase rapidly. Clearly, China is becoming a trend-setter for the future of international education. With many years of educational institutional design under its belt, in China and internationally, B+H has honed the skills of high-performance educational infrastructure development and is adept at turning entire buildings into learning tools. With this wealth of experience, B+H is poised to remain a player, adding ever-more intelligent designs to the education sector.


B+H’s education portfolio includes multiple projects designed for different levels of education and scope of services, resulting in the construction of high-performance buildings and campuses around the globe, which include Xiamen National Accounting Institute, Building #11, YCIS Shanghai Hongqiao Campus, Shanghai American School Puxi Campus, University of British Columbia Student Union Building, University of Windsor–Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation, Queen’s University Beamish-MunroHall, University of British Columbia - Marine Drive Residence, Nordic International Management Institute and etc, among these realized designs, the Canadian International School Kunshan in China is the latest project. 


Xiamen National Accounting Institute


YCIS Shanghai Hongqiao Campus


Shanghai American School Puxi Campus


University of British Columbia -Marine Drive Residence


Nordic International Management Institute

今年是B+H 在中国深耕25周年的日子,作为B+H 在中国25周年,对未来下一代的关心和献礼,昆山加拿大国际学校于2016年底完成了第一期的建造。为此,我们还特别采访了该项目的核心负责人, B+H的全球合伙人——王其优女士。“我们在设计之初就希望将来的学校可以吸引各种国际背景的师生,因此在设计上非常注重文化的包容性和一体化原则;空间形态上强调了互动性和开放性,以最好的适应21世纪最新的教育理念。人性化的细节与环保材料的全方面运用,更是反映了我们将孩子的健康和安全放在首位的初衷。该项目以北美绿色设计理念为依据,获得中国绿色二星认证。”王女士如是说道。

昆山加拿大国际学校/Canadian International School Kunshan

This year, B+H’s 25th Anniversary in China, continues to see the architectural firm produce the remarkable. As a gift for the next generation in China, the Canadian International School Kunshan Phase 1 was completed at the end of 2016. We had a chance to interview the key leader of this project, Ms. Celine Wang, a B+H principal whose experience is rich in education projects. ‘When we designed the campus, we tried to create an environment that attracts a diversity of students and staff. The design reflects cultural inclusion and integration principles. We provide a variety of integrated spaces that allow people to learn and interact more closely. We placed students’ safety as the 1st priority in our design and brought in the most advanced design concepts to implement. All the materials we used are harmless and eco-friendly. And finally the campus is LEED certified and was also awarded 2 stars by Green Building Label (the green building evaluation system in China),’ says Celine. 


Based on natural resource management and capitalizing on natural processes without over-engineering, B+H used sustainable infrastructure across the campus and also utilized an integrated systems approach to storm, rain and waste water. B+H always looks for the opportunities to organically connect the central campus with surrounding open space amenities, exploring opportunities for connections with the surrounding campus.


Apart from the architectural design, the interior design of the building is also very impressive and detail oriented. As a Canadian international school, you can observe many recognizable Canadian elements in the design, such as canoes and maple leaves. In public areas, such as the lobby, cafeteria and indoor stadium, red and blue are the main tones since they look young and energetic. The wood ceilings and floors in the lobby create a natural holistic feeling which is also good for children’s health.  

昆山加拿大国际学校/Canadian International School Kunshan


We also interviewed Mr. Yuan Zhuoquan, a member of the board of the Canadian international school in Kunshan. "The whole campus has a very North American style; the design concept is very international." says Mr.Yuan. "We like the design. Every space is well used and multi-functional. People enjoy occupying and working inside the building."  Some experts come to visit the campus and they are all impressed by the modern design and it is difficult to find a similar one anywhere in China. In general, He speaks very highly of B+H's work: "We like to work with B+H, it is a very professional team with great service and communication."



昆山加拿大国际学校/Canadian International School Kunshan

The B+H educational design philosophy is exemplified by their commitment to interdisciplinary teams with a common integrated design approach. They know that the best work is the product of “partnership” in which programming and planning are inextricably linked with the civic environment, landscape design, architecture, and sustainable design. The B+H team provides the balance appropriate to each client and project, so decisions about buildings are fully integrated with decisions about the future growth of a campus. As they implement their design approach, firm principals, charged with direct client contact and account ability, orchestrate and inspire the team while tapping into the vast knowledge base within the firm.


‘A well thought-out development, is one of a community’s most valuable assets,’ says Celine. ‘It affects the perceptions of prospective staff, students and neighbours, supports the community experience and makes an enduring and lasting impression.’ The Canadian international school in Kunshan often holds summer events which are open to public, and also organizes activities which are popular in the local community. And, apart from the local population, the Kunshan government appreciates the project very much, as it is forms a nucleus from which Kunshan is developing as an international city.


In the future,B+H will continue to build on its local and international experience, bringing new concepts and technologies across the nation. We always say that children are the future, under B+H’s guidance, more and more children will benefit from the best design and technology. 


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