2017年6月16日上午,第十届“汉语桥”世界中学生中文比赛澳大利亚区域赛在西澳大学孔子学院拉开帷幕。西澳大学常务副校长Kent Anderson教授首先致辞,欢迎各州领地的参赛选手,他还高度赞扬孔子学院在推动中文教学作出的巨大贡献,鼓励澳洲青少年学生学习中文,了解中国文化。中国驻澳大利亚使馆教育处公使衔参赞徐孝先生和中国驻珀斯副总领事孙安林女士先后致辞。徐公参感谢各孔子学院以及在澳所有汉语教师和志愿者对推广汉语教学所作出的贡献。他还指出,澳大利亚是“海上丝绸之路”的重要环节。他鼓励更多的澳洲年轻人学好中文,做中澳贸易与文化交流的参与者与见证者,共享“一带一路”的建设成果。孙副总领事也鼓励学生们努力学习汉语,从而更好地了解中国五千年的历史与文化,为推进中澳友好关系作贡献。正在中国访问的西澳大学诺贝尔医学奖得主Barry Marshall教授也发来了中文视频讲话,祝贺选手们在学习汉语的“千里之行”中迈出了一大步。
综合奖获得者:第一名:Kylee Kotula(西澳Methodist女子学校)
第二名:Sophie Szabo(南澳 Pedare 基督学校)
第三名:Caitlin Wilson(西澳St Hilda’s 女子学校)
1. 中国知识竞赛:第一名Kylee Kotula
第二名Caitlin Wilson
第三名 Callum Hogden(堪培拉文法学校)
2. 中文主题演讲:第一名:William McClay(北领地达尔文高中)
第二名:Sophie Szabo
第三名:Amber Roshkov(南澳Pedare 基督学校)
3. 中国文化表演:第一名:Sophie Szabo
第二名:Kylee Kotula
第三名:Caitlin Wilson
今年10月,其中来自Methodist Ladies’ College 的Kylee Kotula将与澳大利亚其他区域赛胜出的选手代表澳大利亚前往中国云南参加第十届世界中学生汉语桥总决赛。(西澳大学孔子学院供稿)
The 10th ChineseBridge (Hanyu Qiao) Language Competition SuccessfullyHeld inConfucius Institute at UWA
The 10th Chinese Proficiency Competition forSecondary School Students in Australia took place at the Confucius Institute at TheUniversity of Western Australia. Mr XU Xiao, the Minister-Counselor of ChineseEmbassy, Ms Sun Anlin, Chinese Deputy Consul-General in Perth and Professor Kent Anderson,University of Western Australia Deputy Vice-Chancellor were guests of honour inthe competition on 16th June,.
Professor Kent Anderson,Deputy Vice-Chancellor of UWA, delivered an opening speech for the competition.Heencouraged more young Australians to learn Chinese. Mr Xu Xiao expressed his thanksto the Confucius Institute and all the Chinese teachers and volunteer teacherswho are committed to the promotion and teaching of Chinese in Australia. He also congratulated 11 candidates who hadentered the Australian Regional Final. He mentioned that Australia, as one ofthe most essential countries of the “Maritime Silk Route”, plays a crucial rolein the Australia-China economic relationship. With the increasing trade andcooperation between China and Australia, he hoped more of Australia’s youngpeople would be participants and witnesses of Sino-Australian trade andcultural exchanges, while sharing the fruits of the "One Belt OneRoad" policy. Ms Sun encouraged more young Australians to learn thehistory and culture of China in the past 5,000 years. Professor Barry Marshall,winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine, expressed his blessings to thecandidates through a video message.
The Chinese Bridgecompetition includes three parts: Chinese General Knowledge, Chinese PublicSpeech and Chinese Cultural Performance. The 11 candidates in the RegionalFinal come from Western Australia, South Australia, North Territory andAustralian Capital Territory.
After an exciting and highly competitive contest, theresults were:
First: Kylee Kotula from Methodist Ladies' College, WA
Second: Sophie Szabo from Pedare Christian College, SA
Third: Caitlin Wilson from St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls, WA
Chinese General Knowledge Category
First: Kylee Kotula from Methodist Ladies' College, WA
Second: Caitlin Wilson from St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls, WA
Third: Callum Hogden from Canberra Grammar School, ACT
Public Speech Category
First: Willam McClay from Darwin High School, NT
Second: Sophie Szabo from Pedare Christian College, SA
Third: Amber Roshkov from Pedare Christian College, SA
Chinese Cultural Performance Category
First: Sophie Szabo from Pedare Christian College, SA
Second: Kylee Kotula from Methodist Ladies' College, WA
Third: Caitlin Wilson from St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls, WA
Kylee Kotula, from Methodist Ladies’College will travel to China on behalf of Australia to participate in the tenthannual global Chinese Language Bridge Competition (Hanyu Qiao).
西澳Methodist Ladies’ College选手Kylee Kotula获得一等奖。