不知道大家有没有这样的感觉,日常生活中,不论写作还是口语,native speaker的表达往往是非常简单的,但就是这几个简简单单的词,我们这些个非native speaker却要用很长时间才能真的学会、真的会用。其中固然有文化差异,但积累也是非常关键的一部分。今天,大家就跟着无忧小雅哥&悉尼雅思姐看看有哪些简单却地道的表达吧~
You don’t seem to be quite yourself today
这个说法可是很常用的呢~ ‘你今天看起来不像你自己’,也就是你今天不太对劲,感觉还是相当形象的。
e.g.: -You don’t seem to be quite yourself today. What’s wrong?
-Oh, I’m suffering from a cold. Nothing serious, yet.
It was something that happens once in the blue moon
同样是说千载难逢,一用blue moon就充满了英式风情。不过要注意的是,blue moon可不是真的指蓝色的月亮,而是一个月中的第二次满月,平均2-3年出现一次,频率较低。中文翻译成千载难逢也算是有理有据。
He pushed his luck.
Push luck的英文解释是 ‘except good things to continue to happen because they have in the past’, 简而言之,就是过去一直有好事情发生就希望好事一直下去,这不是贪心是什么~不过,生活嘛~还是要一直相信会有好事情发生的。
e.g.: Bob pressed his luck too much and got into a lot of trouble.
Bob 太贪心啦,现在惹了一身麻烦。
I can’t make both ends meet.
e.g.: I had to get a second job. I can’t afford my lifestyle. I’m having a hard time making ends meet.
Get down to business
在字典中,get down to business也解释成 ‘start to get serious; to start to negotiate or conduct business’。可以用的场景也非常广泛,例如下面的例句:
They both knew they did not have much time, so they got down to business and began to discuss the issues that needed to be settled.
It is a story.
这个算是老外最喜欢的一个表达了吧。看到这句话就能脑补出老外一边摇头一边摊手的情景,真的是好生无奈。关键是非常好记有木有~下次别人问你发生啥事了,开始抱怨前,记得说一句 ‘It’s a long story.’ 让别人有迎接你长篇大论的准备。
Between us.
俗话说,‘这件事情只有天知地知你知五知’,英语里也有相应的表达,就叫做 ‘between us’,意为,这件事就我们两个知道。有些同学总觉得需要有非常高深复杂的语言才能表达出‘你要帮我保密’这种中文常用语,没想到简简单单两个单词也有相同的含义。
My hands are full right now.
e.g.: The new government will have its hands full dealing with all the problems that face it.
Can you dig it?
相当于can you get it?Can you feel it?不仅限于某人对于某事的理解,更有,是不是感受到了的意思。原来多用于嬉皮士间的对话,现在,用法更加广泛了~不过大家要小心,和长辈们说话就尽量避免这句话哦~
Follow my nose.
中文直译‘跟着我的鼻子走’,用英文来解释就是 ‘to trust your own feelings rather than obeying rules or allowing yourself to be influenced by other people's opinions’ 。下次鼓励小伙伴的时候知道该怎么说了嘛?
e.g.: Take a chance and follow your nose - you may be right!
Work against the clock
[字面意思] 与钟表的走动比赛。
[实际意思] 指的是抓紧时间工作,强调不停顿哦~
E.g.: I have to work against the clock to finish my thesis before the holiday finishes. Otherwise my supervisor will not be happy with me.
我们辛勤的烤鸭们还可以这样说哦:I have to work against the clock to pass the IELTS exam. 哈哈,是不是很准确的表达了烤鸭考前的心情!
After hours
[字面意思] 钟点之后。
[实际意思] 在规定的下班时间以后,非营业时间。
E.g.: Public houses must not stay open after hours, for if they do, they will have to face sanctions imposed by the government.
这个词其实在我们平常的生活中非常常见,比如After hours GP指的是非营业时间的GP医生~
This minute
[字面意思] 这分钟。
[实际意思] 马上,立刻,立即。
E.g.: What a mess you have made! Your room is like a pigsty! I want you to clean your room this minute!
这应该是每一个妈妈都会说的话~ 意思是你立刻把你的房间给我收拾干净~~~ This minute和right now是一个意思哦~
In black and white
[字面意思] 以黑白形式。
[实际意思] 写在纸上;以书面形式(常指合同或协议等法律文件);白纸黑字。
E.g.: Business is business; I prefer to have our agreement in black and white.
有木有童鞋理解成为了打印的时候要黑白打印呢? Anyway, 以后童鞋们签订合同的时候不用愁啦!~ 直接说: I prefer to have our agreement in black and white.就ok啦~
Out of the blue
[字面意思] 来自蓝天;或出自大海。
[实际意思] 突然;没有料到。常跟动词come 连用。
E.g.: The news of his marriage came completely out of the blue. It was only last month that we learnt that he had broken with his girlfriend.
在口语考试中,如果能用一个come out of blue代替unexpectedly或者suddenly是绝对能让考官眼前一亮的哦~
Go into the red
[字面意思] 进入红色/走出红色
[实际意思] 负债,多指负债贷款/偿清债务
E.g.: The bank manager usually does not allow students to go into the red.
E.g.: The Company only needs 500, 000 dollars to get out of the red.
这里的red指的是债务~ 童鞋们是不是又多了一个替换词呢~ 以后pay off the debt可以换成get out of the red啦~
Have one’s head in the clouds
[字面意思] 把头放在云层里。
[实际意思] 不实际的;不现实的;想入非非。
E.g.: The proposal he made was not feasible; I think he has his head in the clouds.
Cost an arm and a leg
[字面意思] 花费一条胳膊和一条腿。
[实际意思] 价格非常昂贵。变形体:Pay an arm and a leg. 两条习语的是一样的哦~
E.g.: These opera tickets cost us an arm and a leg!
不要傻傻的再用expensive这么普通的词了~ Lexical Resource UP UP UP!!!
Rain cats and dogs
[实际意思] 倾盆大雨。说明:英语受北欧文化的影响。在古代北欧神话中,狗象征风,猫象征雨。“猫和狗”象征“狂风暴雨”。
E.g.: It rained cats and dogs yesterday, so we had to cancel the football match.
天上当然不可能下猫下狗啦~ 当然也是不可能下钱的~~~
Give someone the bird
[字面意思] 给某人一只鸟。
E.g.: When the actress forgot her lines, the audience gave her the bird.
Kill two birds with one stone
[字面意思] 一块石头打中两只鸟。
[实际意思] 一箭双雕;一举两得。
E.g.: He killed two birds with one stone by having dinner at his tutor’s place.
相信这个习语童鞋们都已经知道啦~ 但是能运用的时候记得要用哦~
7分写作口语 — 白班