I. 就业创造
In making the determination as to whether or not the immigrant investor has created the requisite number of jobs, USCIS does not require that the jobs still be in existence at the time of the petition to remove conditions adjudication in order to be credited to the investor. Instead, the job creation requirement is met if the investor can show that at least 10 full-time jobs for qualifying employees were created by the new commercial enterprise as a result of his or her investment and such jobs were considered to be permanent jobs when created.
II. 投资维持
1. 再投资要求
However, if the investment was directed to a job-creating entity undertaking the project presented in the initial filing, the requisite number of jobs were created according to the plan presented with the Form I-526, and the loan made to the job- creating entity was repaid to the new commercial enterprise, the new commercial enterprise may redeploy such repaid capital in another “at risk” activity without causing the petition to be denied or revoked. In that instance, the redeployment of investment funds would not be considered a material change because the facts related to the petitioner’s eligibility, based upon which the petition was filed, did not change or deviate from the business plan.
在此次17.6.14正式文本中,移民局多次明确提出再投资(further deployment)的概念,并且明确了如何处理再投资的政策。主要原因在于,I-526获批之后,但是尚未获得临时绿卡,再进行投资,能否还算满足EB-5的要求。主要内容,在第二(就业创造)、第四(I-526审批)和第六章(I-829审批)的章节。
2. 还款时间
When filing the Form I-829, the petitioner must also include, in accordance with 8 C.F.R. § 216.6(a)(4)(ii)-(iii):
[e]vidence that the immigrant investor invested or was actively in the process of investing the required capital and sustained this action throughout the period of the immigrant investor’s residence in the United States. The immigrant investor can make this showing if he or she has, in good faith, substantially met the capital investment requirement and continuously maintained his or her capital investment over the two years of conditional residence. At this stage the immigrant investor need not have invested all of the required capital, but must have substantially met that requirement.8
The petitioner must show that he or she has continuously maintained his or her capital investment over the two years of conditional residence when filing the Form I-829 petition. INA § 216A(c)(1)(A). In addition, in order to qualify as an investment in the EB-5 Program, the immigrant investor must have actually placed his or her capital “at risk” for the purpose of generating a return. 8 C.F.R. § 204.6(j)(2). Therefore, the continuous maintenance or “sustainment” of the capital investment requires that the capital be “at risk” throughout the sustainment period and sustained in a single new commercial enterprise.
a. 在递交I-829时,你必须证明你投资了或正在投资;
b. 在递交I-829时,你必须证明在2年的有条件绿卡时期,你还在维持投资;
c. 该投资必须,“at risk(在风险状态)”;
2. Sustainment of the Investment The immigrant investor must provide evidence that he or she sustained the investment throughout the period of his or her status as a conditional permanent resident of the United States. USCIS considers the immigrant investor to have sustained the actions required for removal of conditions if he or she has, in good faith, substantially met the capital investment requirement and continuously maintained his or her capital investment over the sustainment period. [4] When filing a petition to remove conditions, the full amount of required capital does not need to have been invested, but the immigrant investor must provide evidence that he or she has substantially met the requirement.
#4的脚注:The sustainment period is the investor’s 2 years of conditional permanent resident status. USCIS reviews the investor’s evidence to ensure sustainment of the investment for 2 years from the date the investor obtained conditional permanent residence. An investor does not need to maintain his or her investment beyond the sustainment period.
不过,在#4的脚注中,移民局明确指出:An investor does not need to maintain his or her investment beyond the sustainment period. (在2年有条件绿卡期限之后,投资者不需要继续维持投资了。)
III. 重大变更(Material Change)
本次更新的主要篇幅之一,就是Material Change部分。主要原因在于,一旦资金再部署,如果投资者尚未获得临时绿卡,是否算重大变更。现在,移民局明确了,没有问题。
IV. 区域中心关停
V. At risk条件
在15.8.10草案中,移民局没有明确,怎样的再投资能满足“at risk”的条件。
For example, if the scope of a new commercial enterprise was to loan pooled investments to a job-creating entity for the construction of a residential building, the new commercial enterprise, upon repayment of a loan that resulted in the required job creation, may further deploy the repaid capital into one or more similar loans to other entities. Similarly, the new commercial enterprise may also further deploy the repaid capital into certain new issue municipal bonds, such as for infrastructure spending, as long as investments into such bonds are within the scope of the new commercial enterprise in existence at the time the petitioner filed the Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur (Form I-526).
移民局在此非常明确,再投资可以投资到municipal bond,市政债券中。这点,是EB5Sir个人看到的最大利好。
也就是,虽然,我们因为排期EB-5投资款需要继续维持投资,乃至再投资,但是,投资到安全的市政公债中也是可以的。当然,有个前提条件,就是“as long as investments into such bonds are within the scope of the new commercial enterprise in existence at the time the petitioner filed the Immigrant Petition by Alien Entrepreneur (Form I-526).” 这个条件有点难理解,咨询了Tim Shih律师,他的意见是,债券的投资种类必须与NCE在递交I-526时的投资业务类型一致,当然这条的文字不是特别清楚,以后还是有讨价还价的余地。
1. 移民局的政策,没有变化,不过在备注中明确了,I-829递交之后没要求继续投资。但是,移民律师是否能放心执行该政策,不等到I-829获批就还款,恐怕接下来行业内的律师,还需要继续与移民局明确。
2. 是否能直接还款,不单是看移民局的政策,还得看你的EB-5投资协议。就个人所见的当前所有投资协议,还款必须满足两点:a. 投资协议期满,b. I-829获批。