In our daily life and work, each person's appearance, manner, behavior and conversation can constitute the individual external image, but also reflect the culture and its connotation. As an international person, we should pay more attention to make-up etiquette, especially in a particular occasion, how to dress appropriately, it seems more important. In order to enable students to be fashion and healthy , the director of the International Division of Changchun Experimental High School had a special lecture course for students: etiquette class.
In the evening of May 25th, 2017, Changchun Experimental High School held the course about etiquette training. It is a great honor to invite Nina to explain lipstick production for us.
Firstly, Nina introduced how to use lipstick in our life. It’s important for us to make up.
Next, Nina showed us different colors of lipstick.
最后,就到了制作口红的环节。我们需要量色粉,量蜂蜡,加热,冷藏等。 同学们积极踊跃参与到制作口红中。小小的一支口红,竟然有这么多过程和注意事项。
Finally, it’s time to make the lipstick. We should measure toner and beeswax,heat and then cooled down. Students were very active and surprised that there will be so many processes if you want to make a lipstick.
The students were satisfied with their own lipsticks.
It took only one hour. Thanks May to provide us such a platform to learn. Also thanks Nina for teaching us how to make the lipsticks.