
2017年11月03日 长春市实验中学加拿大高中




这次的比赛有四位外教参与评选由四位,分别为:Myty, Abner, Natalie, and Darryl。他们以最公平的标准为参赛选手打分。选拔赛持续了半小时,最终,有12位同学脱颖而出,成功跻身复赛。他们是Matthew, Coco, Jennifer, Harvey, Alex, Kathy, Astrid, Jessie, Vera, Fiona, Christine.

那么,谁将会成功进入决赛呢? 1114日将会揭晓。

International Division held an exciting audition for an upcoming competition and all students were welcomed. Students who participated in the audition waited in the room at 12 o’clock and all of them were practicing industriously. They were called one by one. Some of them may be shy  but they all express their extraordinary voices with confidence. Every students  showed their singing skills clearly and all of them have a beautiful voice. Most students chose the popular songs which were full of difficulties. There were four judges involved in the audition and all of them gave the fairest score for each student. The audition last for about half an hour. Finally the student union calculated the scores for each student and chose 12 students into the semi-final.




上传: Lily

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