如果只是考虑土地的价格,那么在悉尼东区Point Piper只能买八分之一的房子。
根据统计,除了最贵的富人云集的东区Point Piper,现在内城区的Paddington, Surry Hills 和 Darlinghurst按照面积来算是悉尼最贵的区域。根据统计,在2013年年底,上述区域一百万澳元只能买80平米左右的地皮。
针对澳洲物业监察公司和Domain的数据做的研究显示,买家们都乐意支付高昂的溢价买进内城区, 住进窄小的旧房子里面。
澳洲物业监察公司的资深经济学家Andrew Wilson博士说,买家们想买进悉尼内城区,当然并不只是仅仅看房子的价格。
悉尼大学的经济学家和房屋研究专家Stephen Whelan博士介绍说,虽然在悉尼市中心土地价值通常是同心圆向外扩展,但是某些因素使得悉尼内城区的房价最近以来突飞猛涨。
Kate Watts 花了18个月在内城区找房子,最后落脚在Paddington。
去年他们花了215万通过中介公司McGrath的中介BenCollier和Fraser Turvey买了一间3房的排屋。
中介Ben Collier说,现在在Paddington,一些稍微好些的房子,价格已经上涨到每平米$20,000-$25,000澳元。
5200万澳元的已售豪宅阿尔托纳,虽然尚未通过APM正式记录,拉动了此区排名 - 1百万澳币现在将让你在著名的区域大概可以买到79.8平方米。但考虑到此区地产的平均土地中等规模(去年是739平方米),你的100万,会很幸运的确保该区一艘游艇的小棚。
此外,在排名前十位的是薰衣草海湾和Kirribilli下游北岸以及Woollahra的,Darling Point, Watsons 湾和Edgecliff的东部。
在前20名的尾部排名有市中心周边的Forest Lodge和Glebe,买家出100万澳元将得到约140平方米的房子– 相当于一些工作者拥有的较小的别墅区的大小。
在一些像悉尼上北岸的老货币市场,100万澳元还是去的比较远 - 北部Turramurra区拨款100万元让你拿略低于1000平方米的房产。
在St Ives,西Pymble以和北Wahroonga,百万澳元可以转化为900多平方米的土地。
Sydney real estate: location trumps size ascity values soar
April 11,2014
Toby Johnstone
Deputy Domain Editor (News)
A million dollars doesn’t cover a lot ofground if you are buying a house in Sydney.
Based on land value, it would get you aneighth of a house in Point Piper, a double garage in Vaucluse, the lower floorof a grand Paddington terrace and a super small semi in Mosman.
A city that once embraced the quarter-acredream is fast becoming the home of the million-dollar shoebox.
An analysis of 2013 sales data reveals justhow many square meters you get for $1 million in Sydney’s million-dollar suburbs.
It shows that for many buyers, ‘‘bang foryour buck’’ is no longer defined by land size.
Research by Australian Property Monitorsand Domain indicates that buyers are paying a premium for proximity, even if itmeans they end up in tiny houses.
Paddington, Darlinghurst and Surry Hills arenow some of the priciest slices of Sydney for price per square metre, justbehind the preferred postcode of the mega-rich, Point Piper.
‘‘There are clearly other factors at play other than how much dirt youare buying,’’ APM’s senior economist, Dr Andrew Wilson, said.
‘‘The growing desire to live in a cosmopolitan environment means thatland values come at a premium, that is why we see inner-city suburbs with landvalues similar to areas where properties sell for stratospheric amounts.’’
The Sydney University economist and housingauthority Stephen Whelan said while land values typically move in concentriccircles away from the centre, certain factors had underpinned thegentrification and rapid price growth of some inner-city enclaves.
‘‘There is certainly no doubt that the issue of transport would be animportant determinant of the price of these suburbs,’’ he said.
‘‘As [we] become more time-poor, people who are working longer want tospend less time travelling, which places a higher premium on short commutetimes.’’
Demand for inner-city suburbs increasinglyincludes well-to-do families.
‘In general families are smaller than they use to be . . .that hasprovided opportunities for people who might have shied away from smaller blocksin inner-city areas in the past,’’ said Dr Whelan.
Though it took her 18 months to buy, therewas never any question which suburb Kate Watts was going to live in.
‘‘Paddington is my favourite suburb in Sydney and we were willing topay a premium,’’ Mrs Watts said.
‘‘One of the things that we felt that we couldn’t do without was beingable to walk into the city because we are not massive fans of public transport.’’
Late last year, they paid $2.15 millionthrough McGrath’s Ben Collier and Fraser Turvey for a three-bedroom terrace on189 square metres with no parking. That is $11,376 a square metre, which was agood deal considering the median price per square metre in Paddington is awhopping $12,346.
‘‘It is not uncommon now for properties to sell for $20,000-$25,000per square metre,’’ said Mr Collier.
‘‘But the renovation costs are very expensive to get them to thatlevel.’’
Sydney’s top 10 most expensive suburbs bymedian price per square meter paint a picture of prestige and proximity.
The $52 million sale of the mansion Altona,though not yet officially recorded by APM, dragged the suburb to the numberspot - $1 million would now get you 79.8 square meters on the prestigiousoutcrop. But given the suburb’s median land size last year (739 square meters)you would be lucky to secure a boat shed for that price.
Also in the top 10 are Lavender Bay andKirribilli on the lower north shore as well as Woollahra, Darling Point,Watsons Bay and Edgecliff in the east.
At the tail end of the top 20 you haveForest Lodge and Glebe where buyers with $1 million would get about 140 squaremetres - the size of some of the smaller workers’ cottages in the area.
In some of Sydney’s old-money markets likethe upper north shore $1 million still goes relatively far - in NorthTurramurra $1 million would get you just shy of 1000 square meters.
The principal of Belle Property Pymble, IanClarke, said buyers in some parts of the region ‘‘can certainly still get agood block of land at around the $1 million mark’’.
In St Ives Chase, West Pymble and NorthWahroonga $1 million translates to more than 900 square metres of land.