
2018年06月08日 金东方美国留学



在短短不足9分钟的毕业演讲中,每隔几十秒就爆发出全场热烈的欢呼声和掌声(请忽略她带有北京口音的英文腔儿。。。),华人学生以全优的成绩站在美国名校商学院的毕业演讲台上。。。这个毕业演讲来自我的客户 ---- 管苏捷!


我清晰的记得她去年申请研究生找到我时,面带羞涩,说话声音小的如蚊子一般,“孙老师,我本科成绩很不好,但研究生我就是想上好的大学。。。”, 1年前,我们顶着巨大的申请压力,帮她成功申请到华大西雅图商学院物流管理硕士;1年后,她以优异的成绩毕业,并代表商学院毕业生全程用英文进行毕业演讲。

It's so amazing!  

I am so proud of you!!





Faculty, alumni, friends, proud parents, and graduates of MSCM,



I am Sujie, I am Chinese. I am honored to be with you today. I am so glad to have you guys be my graduate classmates in this one-year program. Seriously,  the benefit of this program is not just learning about supply chain management, but also the chance to transform and make life-long friends. Today, I want to talk about goals and change.


At the beginning of this program, I set two goals for myself. My first goal was to change how I interact with people. Even though I am an introvert, I would like to become more extroverted and learn to talk with others like an extrovert. This is really hard! It is exhausting! And I am not sure how successful I am, but I am trying.



My second goal, was to become a valedictorian and be chosen to give this speech,  for two reasons. First, public speaking is terrifying to me, and I am working to overcome that. Second, I struggled as an undergrad and my grades were not impressive, so I wanted to prove to myself and everyone else that I could not only just succeed, but excel as a graduate student.


How many of you had a hard time as an undergrad?

你们当中有多少人在本科阶段经历过困难时期? (台下数十人举手、全场大笑)


I really struggled as an undergrad. I wasn’t interested in what I studied. I just wanted to graduate as soon as possible, so I didn’t care about my grades. I didn’t think about my future. When I graduated, I applied for few jobs but had no luck. I was really depressed about my career prospects. until my friend, told me: “ Yes, you can’t find a job now, but someone will hire you to do something eventually. But what are you passionate about?”


Well, I am passionate about dogs. I love dogs. But  It was difficult to source the organic pet food my dogs need. I thought maybe other pet owners in China have this problem too, and there’s a market for imported, healthy pet food in China. So I started a small company to import pet food from the US and distribute it in China.



Wow, I had no idea how hard starting a business was going to be. I was very naïve - I didn’t know how much I didn’t know.

喔,我不知道开始一个小生意有多么的困难,我太天真了(全场爆笑), 我不知道我有多少不了解的东西。

For example, the first time I ordered a container of dog food from the U.S.. It got stuck in customs for months. I lost customers to my competitors because I had nothing to sell, meanwhile, my dog food was spoiling because it was perishable. Worse of all, my custom agents were in breach of contract and I needed to figure out how to deal with that.



What motivated me to apply for this program is that I realized I needed to learn more about negotiation, inventory control, and business communication. So I applied to this program, and one year later here I am today.


What I want to say is that sometimes you will only be motivated to change after you have faced failure and challenges.  



Sometimes, I worried that I had waited too long to make these life changes. But one of my favorite quotes from Wiz Khalifa is goes “Worrying is stupid, it is like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain.” It is never too late to make positive changes in your life. I have learned that and I want to share it with you too.


When I was growing up, I didn’t know how to express my appreciation or feelings, I prefer to keep them in my heart. But today, I would like to say thank you to my parents. 谢谢我的爸爸妈妈,They provided me with many opportunities to see the world and they respected and supported my decisions when I grew up.



I would also like to acknowledge our career coach,  Natalie. You are the first but best career coach that I ever had. Because I never went to my undergrad career center.  Thank you for your patience and your professionalism.


I would also like to thank, on behalf of our graduating class, all of the faculty and staff who have made this program possible. Especially Sara, who took a chance and believed in me.



At last, Thank you to my friends, without your support, I cannot survive.


Today is your day, Congratulations! I am sure that your future will be bright and promising. But remember tonight, when you celebrate, think about some change as you can make, you still have time.



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