谁是明天Royal Wedding上的 Cinderella?

2018年05月18日 剑桥考试语言辅导


       明天是英国王孙哈里的大婚,全球顿时变暖在所难免。哈里王子的新娘不是来自王宫贵族的公主,也不是那位坐南瓜车参加舞会、丢了一只水晶鞋的灰姑娘。他的娘子而是一位颜色更深的‘巧克力’姑娘 -梅甘。

       无疑,梅甘 玛可儿是幸运的,有道是:一人得道,鸡犬升天。至少我们中国人是这样认为的。当然,我们也见过,嫁入豪门的菇凉,也有殚精竭虑、忍辱负重的,其幸弧指数有多高?仁者见仁壳,智者见痔疮。我要问:Ms. Meghan, are you ready?


先是在St. George Chapel里举行婚礼,新郎新娘一起发婚誓(vows)。大主教Archbishop会问新郎新娘:

'Henry Charles Albert David, wilt thou (will you) have this woman/man to thy (your) wedded wife/husband, to live together according to God's law in the holy estate of matrimony (marriage)?

Wilt thou love her/him, comfort her, honour and keep her, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking (giving up) all other, keep thee (you) only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?'

据说,伴郎是他亲哥William,但伴娘空缺。还据说:新娘她老爸来不walk her down the aisle。据说不来的原因是他收了paparazzi狗仔队10万英镑,怕让亲家尴尬就称有 heart condition。最后是新娘子的母亲来见皇亲国戚。

(Windsor Castle)

   接下来是花车从温莎城堡出发,开始 Royal Carriage Ride,王子与民同乐。

The carriage procession will travel along a route including Castle Hill, High Street, Sheet Street, Kings Road, Albert Road, Long Walk and back to Windsor Castle.

Harry and Meghan will then return to a reception for congregation guests at St George's Hall.

In the evening, Prince Charles will also give a private evening reception for the couple and close friends and family.

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