
2018年06月15日 美国驻华大使馆


622周五18:30  蛋糕案看美国最高法院是如何运作的

Friday, June 22, 18:30  How the US Supreme Court Works: A Case Studyof Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission


美国最高法院的判决不仅对美国社会本身有着重大的影响,往往对国际社会也产生广泛影响。但你是否知道这些判决的诞生过程呢?美国国务院英语语言教师Brandon Dowd 会以近期备受关注的杰作蛋糕店对科罗拉多民权委员会一案(Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v.Colorado Civil Rights Commission)为例,来带你走近美国最高法院的运作流程,包括这个案件为什么走进最高法院,以及律师们是如何在大法官们面前陈情并回答提问的。在熟悉了美国最高法院的运作方式后,我们会聊聊最高法院在环境保护、教育拨款、移民等一系列议题上可能做出的判决。

Decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court carry a powerful impact for theAmerican people and often impact the wider international world as well. But,did you ever wonder what happens inside the court as those decisions are beingmade? Join U.S. Department of State English Language Fellow Brandon Dowd as hetakes you on a journey inside Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado CivilRights Commission where we will discover why the case was brought to court andsee how the lawyers argued their cases while being questioned by the SupremeJustices. We will use our newfound knowledge about how the Court works toconsider how issues like environmental regulation, funding for education andimmigration might be argued and what the outcomes might be.


This event will be conducted in English. 


Please bring your photo ID to the event and arrive 15 minutes early to allowenough time for security screening. Please make sure the name used to registerfor the event matches the name on your ID.


Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in the Shanghai American Center,and we are unable to provide storage.



629周五18:30  EducationUSA行前培训讲座:如何做到从中国到美国的平稳过渡?

Friday,June 29, 18:30 EducationUSA Pre-Departure Orientation


Congratulations on your letter of acceptance and on successfully navigating thestudent visa process! Are you ready to head off to the U.S. to begin your studyabroad experience? On June 29th, EducationUSA Shanghai will host apre-departure orientation for you! In the orientation, we will explain how toprepare for your departure, what to expect when you arrive at the U.S. borderin the airport, and how to utilize the services most institutions offer toprepare you for campus life, safety and career development. We will alsodiscuss strategies to overcome culture shock, how to build relationships oncampus, and the most common challenges Chinese students encounter and how toovercome them.  All parents and students interested in studying in theU.S. are welcome to join us in this information session.


This presentation will be conducted in Chinese. 


Please bring your photo ID to the event and arrive 15 minutes early to allowenough time for security screening. Please make sure the name used to registerfor the event matches the name on your ID.


Please be aware that laptops are prohibited in the Shanghai American Center,and we are unable to provide storage.


上海美国中心(Shanghai American Center,简称ShAC)是美国驻上海领事馆新闻文化处的一部分,旨在协调与支持中美教育交流,举办文化活动,提供图书资源等。中心举办各种文化活动,包括各类讲座、电影之夜、艺术展览等。






如果你希望以邮件的形式收到将来上海美国中心活动的通知,请联系[email protected]



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