
2018年12月14日 美国驻华大使馆

11月14日,F.E. 沃伦空军基地(F.E. Warren Air Force Base)举行仪式,菲律宾驻美大使乔斯·曼纽尔·罗穆亚尔德斯(Jose Manuel Romualdez)(左)与美国国防部长詹姆斯·马蒂斯(James Mattis)在两个巴朗吉加大钟(Bells of Balangiga)前握手示意。 (USAF/Airman 1st Class Braydon Williams)
Philippine Ambassador Jose Manuel Romualdez (left) and U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis shake hands in front of two of the Bells of Balangiga at a November 14 ceremony at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming. (USAF/Airman 1st Class Braydon Williams)

具有历史意义的巴朗吉加大钟(Bells of Balangiga)在一个多世纪后回到菲律宾東薩馬省(Eastern Samar)的教堂。

美国军队在1901年带走3个大钟,其中2个陈列在怀俄明州(Wyoming)夏安(Cheyenne)的F.E. 沃伦空军基地(F.E. Warren Air Force Base)。第3个大钟保存的韩国的美军基地。罗马天主教的主教们和菲律宾政府官员曾要求归还原物。

12月11日,在700多人出席的仪式上,这些大钟当场从军用飞机上卸下后开箱送还菲律宾政府。12月15日将在巴朗吉加教会(Parish of Balangiga)举行另外一场归还仪式。

11月14日,美国国防部长詹姆斯·马蒂斯(James Mattis)在F.E. 沃伦空军基地举行的仪式上向菲律宾驻美大使乔斯·曼纽尔·罗穆亚尔德斯(Jose Manuel Romualdez)表示,“让这些大钟回家,回到他们的天主教堂,见证美国与菲律宾牢不可破的联盟更为强大。”

Historic church bells return to the Philippines

The historic Bells of Balangiga are returning after more than a century to their home in a church in the province of Eastern Samar, Philippines.

Two of the three bells taken by U.S. troops in 1901 had been displayed at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and the third at a U.S. base in South Korea. Roman Catholic prelates and Philippine government officials had pressed for their return.

A crowd of over 700 cheered as the bells were unloaded from a military aircraft, uncrated, and presented to the Government of the Philippines at a ceremony on December 11. A second ceremony will be held on December 15 at the Parish of Balangiga.

U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis, in a November 14 ceremony at F.E. Warren AFB, said to Philippine Ambassador to the United States Jose Manuel Romualdez: “Bear these bells home, back to their Catholic Church, confident that America’s ironclad alliance with the Philippines is stronger than ever.”

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